Friday, October 13, 2017


Years ago, I started a quilt and I made a huge mistake.  I knew the points of all the triangles would be cut off when I sewed it together.  So, for FIVE YEARS it sat in a basket of unfinished projects in my sewing room.  It moved across town to our new house in that basket. 

And then I needed a quick baby quilt a few weeks ago. So, I finished this quilt. 
I was missing one of the blocks and I didn't like the way another looked. 

They wanted to pose by it like they made it. 
Also, sometime Martin smiles like that for pictures and it reminds me of kid pictures of me. That is weird. 

(Here is a photo I found on facebook of the blocks that I made in 2012). 
I didn't actually sew them into blocks until 2015. 

Another project finished out of the to-do basket. :) 

I just finished a quilt jointly with my mother-in-law. I will post pictures of that next.  And I am almost finished another one (that is turning out to be one of my favorite quilts ever! I can't wait to post pictures). 

P.S. The title is sort of a joke.  I told Jared that if I were to sell this as a pattern, I would call it "Pointless" because all the points get cut off.  ha ha ha. 


  1. I saw that top picture and the first thing I thought was, "Wow, Martin looks so much like Faith!!"

    Funny that you mentioned it a bit later in the post. :)

    1. Glad you thought so too. I told him I thought he looked like me and Jared said that he thought he looked like HIM in that picture. Weird. I guess we all look at something different. I need to find a picture of me that looks like this. The hair and the smile are me!
      And I don't know who Warren looks like.


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