Thursday, September 07, 2017

Strength in Weakness

The world is full of inspirational sayings, like this fake Lewis quote that floats around. 

Most of them talk about being true to yourself and believing in yourself. You are awesome and you can do anything! Instagram is full of them. And while those all sound good, I have to tell you all that there is great strength in weakness. There is amazing comfort in finding out that you can't control any situation and only the Holy Spirit can work in and through people.

Tonight is our first ESL meeting of the Fall (just a practice night), but I have to talk in front of people and explain stuff. I don't like talking in front of people that much.  So as I was walking around my house today I was talking to myself, "You've got this." "You can do it." "You will be great!" "Trust in yourself." "You can handle anything." 

Then I realized that what I was saying was completely worthless!  In a worldly sense those would all be helpful. But when the Bible tells us to preach to ourselves, it doesn't mean to encourage ourselves with how great WE are. No, it is the complete opposite.  It is remembering the promises of God and what HE has done for us.  It is remembering that we need to find strength in HIM alone and not ourselves. We can't add anything to what He has already done.  And I am so grateful for that. 

Embrace your weakness, friends! Run to the cross. He is enough for all our problems and meetings and mothering and marriage and everything that comes at us in this life and the next. He is everything. Do what you can. Work hard. But trust Him to complete your works. Glory in Him. 

You can't handle this life alone. No amount of self-encouragement will change that. Give up and turn to the one that holds the stars in place. I can't even keep my kids in their beds for quiet time. Here they come. :) 

Psalm 42
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
And why are you in turmoil with in me? 
Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, 
My salvation and my God!
My soul is cast down within me;
therefore I remember YOU!

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