Monday, November 19, 2018

2018 - Book 49

Pages 198

Guys, you already know that I love Joel Beeke's Bringing the Gospel To Covenant Children.  I love that whole trilogy of parenting books that he wrote.
And I also love The Disciple Making Parent by Chap Bettis.  It has amazing questions to ask you kids as they get older.

This one rounds both of those out and reminds us that it is all about grace.  It is the ground works for the Chap Bettis book and the practical side to the Beeke book. 

It isn't about what we can do. We can never save our children. It is about how to preach the gospel to your children every day, how to show them that parents mess up and need grace too, how to show them that they can never be good enough in their own strength and they need a savior.  It is how to preach to both your rule-keeper kids and your rule-breaker kids.  I have both of those and I needed the reminder on how to not reward my rule-keeper and make him more of a hypocrite.  The book talks about the difference between raising moral kids and ones that love Jesus and His word.

It was amazing! And I highly recommend it. 

P.S. It happens to be my sister's birthday today! Happy birthday, secret pact sister. I am glad you are in town this year to celebrate!

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