Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday - Wednesday:
5:15 gym
6:15 shower
6:30 breakfast
8:00 - 5:00 training
6:30 - 8:30 - dinner with trainer and other classmates
8:30 - 10:30 answer work emails and finish charts and projects
5:15 gym
6:15 shower
6:30 breakfast
8:00 - 2:00 training
2:00 - 4:00 drive to Corinth plant (get lost, get stuck in traffic, go really slow because it is raining so hard you can't see)
4:00 - 6:00 - tour Corinth plant -- HIGHLIGHT (other, than Babe's Chicken House) of my trip. Wander around the plant and ask all sorts of questions. Garner new ideas for projects that I am working on.
6:30 - 7:30 - dinner with dotted line boss and counterpart in Corinth. Texas smoked brisket, ribs, and sausage. No plates, just a stack of napkins and lots of bar-b-que sauce. Delicious.
7:30 - 9 - drive back to hotel (still raining, still getting lost - TomTom and I are not on speaking terms right now... he is not happy in Texas. I told him to make the best of it, but he froze up and refused to give me any directions. Found my way back home by myself. I am willing to forget all of this if he can find me a path to the airport tomorrow, if not, I will just follow the planes and signs).
9:10 - filled car with gas so I can return it tomorrow
9:20 - now (11ish) - answered work emails and brainstormed ideas for next week
One neat thing about driving back to the hotel in the rain tonight was watching the planes randomly appear out of the sky and drop in for their landing. The cloud cover was so low and thick that you couldn't see the lights until just the moment before the plane appeared. It was really interesting looking. They looked like alien spacecraft coming in for an invasion. heh.
Good night! I am exhausted. Maybe I can sleep on the plane on the way home tomorrow (Except I have the middle hiss... and have lots of work to do for work for next week - I am so behind). HOME! My own bed! My own pillow! My own kitchen! More than one pair of jeans and some dress clothes to wear! Home! I miss you; here I come. Jared, I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much.
Good bye 12th floor hotel room, that I forgot to take a picture of and will probably forget to take a picture of before I leave tomorrow. Maybe we will see each other again in 4 weeks...
things about traveling for work
Things I like about traveling:
* trying new foods
* seeing new places (I wish I could see them during the day)
* having time to work out in the gym every morning (being the only one in the gym is even better)
* having my room cleaned for me each day and my bathroom straightened
* driving a small rental car (it is like an adult go-cart - ha ha)
* sleeping (I get to go to bed early and get up early because there is no housework to keep me up)
* reading books (I brought five on this trip, I will finish two)
* airport security (I love you TSA people)
Things I could care less about:
* giant flat screen tv in my room (haven't used it)
* newspaper under my door each morning (haven't read it)
* unlimited coffee (haven't had any)
* four pillows on my bed (really?)
* hair dryer (haven't touched it)
* pool (it fogs up the windows to the workout room)
* desk in my room (I lie on the bed when I use the computer or read a book)
Things I don't like about traveling:
* not being with Jared (the telephone doesn't really help)
* hotel food (bleh. unless it was the hyatt in Chicago, they had incredible hotel food and completely spoiled me)
* noisy people on the hall
* a shower that doesn't want to turn on (the lever to turn from bath to shower falls off and gets stuck... I have to fix it each morning and wiggle it around until it finally changes over)
* that the cleaning lady took my notes that I had left on my nightstand -sigh
* airports
* flying
* airplanes (crammed in a little space for multiple hours is NO FUN even before you add in the fact that I HATE flying. I don't like the feeling of taking off or the feeling or the plane shaking all around. I don't like seeing the wing move up and down. I don't like being in a cloud and not seeing anything. I don't like that I am trapped in a row by two other people and I have to climb over them if I want to use the bathroom (which I try to avoid at all cost. I don't like the drinks they give you because you have to hold this cup of ice until they finally come back and take it away from you. I don't like the larger people that I usually sit next to that like to STEAL my armrest. boo hiss. I don't like the air blowing on my face the whole time and drying out my eyes, but I don't like the sick feeling I get when I start to feel too warm (thus, the air stays one). I don't like wearing earplanes because I have tiny ears and they hurt (but it is better than getting a pressure headache that feels like millions of tiny needles all poking into your forehead). I don't like that they DON'T give you peanuts anymore. I don't like that the pilot doesn't give me details about where I am and how fast we are going (I am curious about all these things and it might make the flight a whole lot more interesting to me, at least it would give me something to think about). NOT TO MENTION, I work with people that design the wiring harnesses for these airplanes and I don't trust them. ha. And those are a few of the reasons I HATE flying, yes, I hate it.)
Funny story of the day:
This morning at breakfast I sat near a table of high school football coaches. They are staying at the hotel today for their high school's championship football game with 90 kids from the school. They told the waitress that they from the smallest division and from a small school, but you never would have known that from the ways these guys talked. I have never seen Friday night lights, but I am guessing that these guys would have fit right in. It was highly amusing to me to listen to them talk about the team, the play strategies for the game, and how important this was to win because they had to have dinner with the in-laws this year and they would never live down a loss. They were so serious about football. It just made me laugh because it was so southern; it is what Jared is always telling me about football down south.
Have you ever run into any stereotypes that turned out to be completely true?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
One of the best dinners I have ever had...
Babe's Chicken Dinner house is the real deal.
I had fried catfish and all you could eat sides: green beans, creamed corn, biscuits and gravy, and mashed potatoes (for $14). Wow.
Plus, the restaurant looked so neat on the inside. It was made to look like you were eating in the middle of a city plaza. There are house and store fronts all along the walls. And roof tops stick out over porches that are build into the eating area. The storefronts are filled with old fashion items that you would purchase. And it was all decorated for Christmas with old fashoion light bulbs and old Christmas items (that said Merry Christmas on them). It was delightful. The staff lined up and did the hokey pokey at one time and one waitress sang a song later in the evening.
If you are ever in Texas and need a place to eat, you will be missing out if you do not go to Babe's. It is one of the best restauants that I have EVER been to. Wow wow wow. I bought a t-shirt that I will proudly wear around back home. :)
I am trying to decide to go back there or to their sister store:
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Have yourself a merry little Christmas…
I have been doing a lot of reading lately (The Johnstown Flood and the Great Bridge by David McCullough – I highly recommend either book – and the Anne of Green Gables Series – I had to stop after the 6th book, I couldn't read the 7th and 8th. I am sorry if you like them, but they lost their charm for me. I really enjoyed the first 3 books and even sort of liked the 4th book, which was mostly letter from Anne to Gilbert while he was at med school, but after that, the books just get more and more unbelievable and feel contrived). I notice a trend in my life, quilt for a while, read for a while, or cook for a while. I can't seem to be able to do a healthy balance of those activities. Maybe I will be able to pull it off once this lab that I am teaching ends and I have a little more free time.
Last weekend Jared and I decorated the house for Christmas! I love the way the house looks during the Christmas season. We pull out our Christmas quilts, table runner, and tree skirt (all made by us, except one quilt from Mrs. Shelton). I have my little wooden spinning nativity from Germany (love love love) and Jared has his Swedish chimes from Sweden (they both turn around when you light candles under them). We have our Willow Tree Nativity from the Lunas (thank you thank you). Jared has countless Charlie Brown and Snoopy characters that he sets around (some of them sing and make noise, others sit around looking pretty). Jared wants to name a child Linus someday… hmmmm. There are two sets of Christmas dishes that come out and are put on display in the cabinet in our living room (each has its own unique snowman on it), bowls, plates, mugs, and dessert plates. Jared has this HUGE abdominal snow man, from Rudolph, made by Jim Shore, which Hannah gave him. It is awesome. Jared thinks it is hilarious to stick it behind the Willow Creek Nativity scene, as if it is sneaking up on them. I find it like that from time to time and have to move it. Maybe I will get my camera out and take pictures . ha ha ha. It isn't the taking pictures that I fail at doing, it is the uploading them to the internet.
Tonight, I have to go to the dentist (to replace a filling that I pulled out while flossing on Saturday night), to the gym, and to the grocery store. If I have any extra time, I will clean the house and start a new quilt that I have been dreaming about. I think the plan is a little ambitious, but it is better to dream big.
I hope your thanksgiving was lovely. I had an awesome thanksgiving; I agree with my mother, the more the merrier. She had 20+ people over and we feasted on all sorts of delicious foods. Yum. I ate leftovers for 5 days (I finished the last leftovers at lunch yesterday). It was amazing. Thanksgiving food never gets old to me. I am so thankful for my family and my extended family. J
Monday, November 21, 2011
Dallas - plan
Babe's Chicken Dinner House
LOOK AT THIS MENU (all you can eat sides - what?!? - I am looking forward to some fried catfish and some fried chicken)
Babe's Arlington Menu
Main Dishes
Fried Chicken
Chicken Fried Steak
Fried Chicken Tenders Smoked Chicken
Fried Catfish
Pot Roast
Vegetables & Breads
Mashed Potatoes
Cream Gravy
Green Beans
Green Salad
Grandma's Corn
Homemade Biscuits
Chocolate Meringue Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie
Coconut Meringue Pie
Banana Pudding
Pineapple Upside-down Cake
Sugar-free Apple Cobbler
In-N-Out Burgers
Animal Fries
All my favorite food blogs say that it beats the pants off Five Guys and is half the price.
Enough Said
Cheesecake Factory
I ate there three times while I was in Chicago - I know ... sad. I should have tried some Chicago pizza or something, but it was almost an hour from my hotel. There food may be better than there cheesecake, if that is even possible.
My new coworker brought me real Mexican food today that his wife had made. Yum yum yum. Did you know there are over 40 ingredients in mole (mole-aye) sauce? I am trying to convince him to come to thanksgiving at my parents; I think it will be a lot of fun if he and his wife come.
I have a really funny story about our HR department, but I really shouldn't blog about it. It was like being on the Office, but even more ridiculous. Basically, it came down to the HR department complaining about me helping them out. :D I can't begin to tell you how funny it is and I wish I could blog about things like this, but I know I would get in major trouble. ha. If you want the details, I may be persuaded to talk about it offline (that is a word that has dropped in my vocabulary from work - "let's talk about this offline", I have also started saying, "what are the action items that we can take away?" or "today's take away points are...", oh work).
I am thankful, very thankful, for my 4 day weekend and all the good food that I will partake in this weekend and all the great people that I will see. I love you all. I wish I could see my entire family (Hannah and Linnea and company) too, but I will have to be content with the 4 siblings and parents and my in-laws and niece and nephews.
Lastly, happy late birthday to the best Dad in the whole world and my little, baby sister, Sarah. I love you both.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Anne of Green Gables
Ha. I was telling Jared about them and how much better the writing was in the first two and he said, "she probably didn't even write the rest of them." To quote several characters in the 5th and 6th book, "isn't that just like a man?"
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Last part for Anne of the Island
"I thought you loved Christine Stuart," Anne told him, as reproachfully as if she had not given him every reason to suppose that she loved Roy Gardner.
Gilbery laughed boyishly. "Christine was engaged to somebody in her home town. I knew it and she knew I knew it. When her brother graduated he told me his sister was coming to Kingsport the next winter to take music, and asked me if I would look after her a bit, as she knew no one and would be very lonely. So I did. And then I liked Christine forher own sake. She is one of the nicest girls I've ever known. I knew college gossip credited us with being in love with each other. I didn't care. Nothing mattered much to me for a time there after you told me you could never love me, Anne. There was nobody else - there never could be anybody else for me but you. I've loved you since that day you broke your slate over my head in school."
"I don't see how you could keep loving me when I was such a little fool," said Anne.
"Well, I tried to stop," said Gilbert frankly, "not becuase I thought you what you call yourself, but because I felt sure there was no chance for me after Gardner came on te scene. But I couldn't - and I can't tell you, either, what it;s meant to me these two years to believe you were going to marry him, and be told every week by some busybody that your engagement was on the point of being announced. I believed it until one blessed day when I was sitting up after the fever. I got a letter from Phil Gordon - Phil Blake, rather - in which she told me there was really nothing between you and Roy, and advised me to 'try again.' Well the doctor was amazed at my rapid recovery after that."
Anne laughed - then shivered. "I can never forget the night I thought you were dying, Gilbert. Oh, I knew - I knew then - and I thought it was too late."
"But it wasn't, sweetheart. Oh, Anne, this makes up for everything, doesn't it? Let's resolve to keep this day sacred to perfect beauty all our lives for the gift it has given us."
"It is the birthday of our happiness," said Anne softly. I've always loved this old garden of Hestor Gray's, and now it will be dearer than ever."
"But I'll have to ask you to wait a long time, Anne," said Gilbert sadly. "It will be three years before I'll finish my medical course. And even then there will be no diamond sunbursts and marble halls."
Anne laughed. "I don't want sunbursts or marble halls. I just want you."
More parts from Anne of the Island
The day was beautiful and the way was beautiful. Anne was almost sorry when they reached Hester Gray's garden and sat down on the old bench. But it was beautiful there, too - as beautiful as it had been on the far-away day of the Golden Picnic, when Diana and Jane and Priscilla and she had found it. Then it had been lovely with narcissus and violets; not goldenrod had kindled its fairy torches in the corners and asters dotted it bluely. The call of the brook came up through the woods from the valley of birches with all its old allurement; the mellow air was full of the purr of the sea; beyond were fields rimmed by fences bleached silvery gray in the suns of many summers, and the long hills scarfed with the shadows of autumnal clouds; with the blowing of the west wind old dreams returned.
"I think," said Anne softly, "that the land where dreams come true is in the blue haze yonder, over that little valley."
"Have you any unfulfilled dreams, Anne?" asked Gilbert.
Something in his tone - something she had not heard since that miserable evening in the orchard at Patty's Place - made Anne's heart beat wildly. But she made answer lightly. "Of course. Everyone has. It wouldn't do for us to have all our dreams fulfilled. We would be as good as dead if we had nothing left to dream about. What a delicious aroma that low-descending sun is extracting from the asters and ferns. I wish we could see perfumes as well as smell them. I'm sure they would be beautiful."
Gilbert was not to be thus sidetracked. "I have a dream," he said slowly. "I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me that it could never come true. I dream of a home with a hearth fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends - and you!"
Anne wanted to speak but she could find no words. Happiness was breaking over her like a wave. It almost frightened her.
"I asked you a question over two years ago, Anne. If I ask it again today will you give me a different answer?"
Still Anne could not speak. But she lifted her eyes, shining with all the love-rapture of countless generations, and looked into his for a moment. He wanted no other answer.
Friday, November 11, 2011
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
and are acquainted with all my ways.
behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
and lay your hand upon me.
it is high; I cannot attain it.
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
and the light about me be night,"
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
my soul knows it very well.
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.
O men of blood, depart from me!
They speak against you with malicious intent;
your enemies take your name in vain.
And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
I hate them with complete hatred;
I count them my enemies.
Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Another section from Anne of the island
"I've come up to ask you to go for one of our old-time rambles through September woods and over hills where spices grown this afternoon," said Gilbert, coming suddenly around the porch corner. "Suppose we vist Hester Gray's garden."
Anne, sitting on the stone step with her lab full of pale, filmy, green stuff looked up rather blankly. "Oh, I wish I could," she said slowly, "but I really can't Gilbert. I'm going to Alice Penhallow's wedding this evening, you know. I've got to do something to this dress, and by the time it's finished I'll have to get ready. I'm so sorry. I'd love to go."
"Well, can you go tomorrow afternoon, then?"
"Yes, I think so."
"In that case I shall hie me home at one to do something I should otherwise have to do tomorrow. So Alice Penhallow is to be married tonight. Three weddings for you, in one summer, Anne - Phil's, Alice's, and Jane;s. I'll never forgive Jane for not inviting me to her wedding."
"You really can't blame her when you think of the tremendous Andrews connection who had to be invited. The house could hardly hold them all. I was only bidden by grace of being Jane's old chum - at least on Jame's part. I think Mrs. Harmon's motive for inviting me was to let me see Jane's surpassing gorgeeousness.
"Is it true that she wore so many diamonds that you couldn't tell where the diamonds left off and Jane began?"
Anne laughed. "She certainly wore a good many. what with all the diamonds and white satin and tulle and lace and roses and orange blossoms, prim little Jane was almost lost to sight. But she was very happy and so was Mr. Inglis - and so was Mrs. Harmon."
"Is that the dress you're going to wear tonight?" asked Gilbert looking down at the fluffs and frills.
"Yes, isn't it pretty? And I shall wear starflowers in my hair. The haunted woods is full of them this summer."
Gilbert had a sudden vision of Anne, arrayed in a frilly green gown, with the virginal curves of arms and throat slipping out of it, and white stars shining against the coils of her ruddy hair. The vision made him catch his breath. But he turned lightly away. "Well, I'll be up tomorrow. Hope you'll have a nice time tonight."
Anne looked after him as he strode away, and sighed. Gilbert was friendly - very friendly - far too friendly. He had come quite often to Green Gables after his recovery, and something of their old comradeship had returned. But Anne no longer found it satisfying. The rose of love made the blossom of friendship pale and scentless by contrast. And Anne had again begun to doubt if Gilbert now felt anything for her but friendship. In the common light of common day her radiant certainty of the rapt morning had faded. She was haunted by a miserable fear that her mistake could never be rectified. It was quite likely that it was Christine whom Gilbert loved after all. Perhaps he was even engaged to her. Anne tried to put all unsettling hopes out of her heart, and reconcile herself to a future where work and ambition must take the place of love. She could do good, if not noble, work as a teacher; and the success her little sketches were beginning to meet with in certain editorial sanctums augured well for her budding literary dreams. But - but - Anne picked up her green dress and sighed again.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Some sections from Anne of the Island
Gilbert sat down beside her on the boulder and held out the mayflowers.
"Dont't these remind you of home and our old schoolday picnics, Anne?"
Anne took them and buried her face in them.
"I'm in Mr Silas Sloanne's barrens this very minute," she said rapturously
"I suppose you will be there in reality in a few days?"
"No, not for a fortnight. I am going to visit with Phil in Bolingbroke before I go home. You'll be in Avonlea before I will."
"No, I shall not be in Avonlea at all ths summer, Anne. I've been offereed a job in the Daily News office and I'm going to take it."
"Oh," Anne said vaguely. She wondered what a whole Avonlea summer would be like without Gilbert. Somehow she did not like the prospect. "Well," she concluded flatly, "it is a good thing for you, of course.:
"Yes, I have been hoping I would get it. It will help with next year."
"You mustn't work too hard," said Anne, without any very clear idea of what she was saying. She wished desperatedly that Phil would come out. "You've studied very constantly this winter. Isn't this a delightful evening? Do you know, I found a cluster of white violets under that old twisted tree over there today? I felt if I had discovered a gold mine."
"You are always discovering gold mines," Gilbert said -- also absently.
"Let us go and see if we can find some more," suggested Anne eagerly, "I'll call Phil and -"
"Nevermind Phil and the violets just now, Anne" said Gilbert quickly taking her hand in a clasp from which she could not free it. "There is something I want to say to you."
"Oh, don't say it," cried Anne, pleadingly. "Don't -- please, Gilbert."
"I must. Things can't go on like this any longer. Anne, I love you. You know I do. I - I can't tell you how much. Will you promise me that some day you'll be my wife?"
"I - I can't," said Anne miserably. "Oh Gilbert - you - you've spoiled everything."
"Don't you care for me at all?" Gilbert asked after a very dreadful pause, during which Anne had not dared to look up.
"Not - not in that way. I do care a great deal for you, as a friend. But I don't love you, Gilbert."
"But can't you give me some hope that you will - yet?"
"No, I can't," exclaimed Anne desperately. "I never, never can lover you - in that way - Gilbert. You must never speak of this to me again."
There was another pause - so long and so dreadful that Anne was driven to at last look up. Gilbert's face was white to the lips. And his eyes - but Anne shuddered and looked away. There was nothing romantic about this. Must proposals be either grotesque or - horrible? Could she ever forget Gilbert's face?
"Is there anyone else?" he asked at last in a low voice.
"No - no," said Anne eagerly. "I don't care for any one like that - and I like you better than anybody else in the world, Gilbert. And we must - we must go on being friends, Gilbert."
Gilbert gave a bitter little laugh. "Friends! Your friendship can't satisfy me, Anne. I want your love - and you tell me I can never have that."
"I am sorry. Forgive me, Gilbert," was all Anne could say. Where, oh, where were all the gracious and graceful speeches wherewith in imagination, she had been wont to dismiss rejected suitors?
Gilbert gently released her hand.
"There is nothing to forgive. There have been times that I thought you did care. I've deceived myself, that's all. Goodbye, Anne."
Anne got herself to her room, sat down on her window seat behind the pines, and cried bitterly. She felt as if something incalculably precious had gone out of her life. It was Gilbert's friendship, oh course. Oh, why must she list it after this fashion?
"What is the matter, honey?" asked Phil, coming through the moonlit gloom.
Anne did not answer. At that moment she wished Phil were a thousand miles away.
"I suppose you've gone and refused Gilbert Blythe. You are an idiot, Anne Shirley!"
"Do you call it idiotic to refuse to marry a man I don't love?" said Anne coldly, goaded to reply.
"You don't know love when you see it. You've tricked something out of your imagination that you think love, and you expect the real thing to look like that."
Monday, November 07, 2011
Saturday, November 05, 2011
My office (or half of it in pictures)
No a little doodle can only show you so much... Did I mention that the walls are half wood paneling and half painted dark red? You can see them belong. In the first picture my desk is turned facing the door; we had to move it to fit Otho in our office. In the picture you can see my white board (hidden behind the wooden door - so old school) and the window that runs along the top of the wall (it runs almost to the sign maker). I now face the window (which is too high for me to look out, but it is natural light and I one of 4 offices in the plant to have a winder, so, I am thankful!!!!).
This is where Otho's desk is now. This is the other corner of the end of the office. Here is one of the red walls (and an intern at the intern desk).
And here is where the intern desk is now... There is the end of my desk at the far left (it is now facing the wall). There is the printer, Otho's old table (where the intern new desk is now), the sign maker, and John's chair.
The carpet is so worn that my chair can move around extremely easily. The joke in my office is to talk about how big it is because there used to be only one person who used to have this office. I bet it seemed really big when there was one person in it. ha.
I found these pictures that my interns had taken and thought they would make an interesting post. So, when you picture me at work, here is my office. What does your work place look like?
Friday, November 04, 2011
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
3 meals from some super cheap chicken
I bought a pack of chicken thighs for really cheap this week and didn't have time to do anything with them by the time they expired (they were cheap because they needed to be used that day - $0.75/lb - 10 thight for $4.30). So I boiled them down with onions, parsley, and celery for a couple hours. Then I picked the chicken off the bone and strained the juice to make chicken broth (homemade chicken broth is the best). I chilled the chicken broth and them skimmed off the fat once it had hardened.
Meal 1: Chicken and dumplings with biscuits
Used - chicken fat, chicken broth, chicken
From the chicken fat I made biscuits and dumplings. Then I used some of the chicken broth and chicken to make chicken and dumplings.
Meal 2: Chicken Pot Pie
Use - chicken broth, chicken, and rest of dumpling dough (for crust)
Meal 3: Chicken Tortilla Soup
Use - chicken broth and chicken
Throw the following ingredients into a pot and let them cook down for an hour or so.
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
2 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. oregano
1 can crushed tomatoes (or equivalent chopped up tomatoes and tomato juice or some combination - I use whatever I have)
1-1/2 cup chicken broth (the recipe calls for 1 can condensed chicken broth and 1-1/4 cup water - again, use whatever you have on hand)
1 cup corn (I have used canned and frozen)
1 can black beans (drained)
I serve this with rice (sometimes), tortilla chips (UTZ yellow corn rounds are the best), cheese, sour cream, and green onions.
(the basic recipe came from Rachel Townsend, I had it at her house two Halloweens ago. I have made a few minor substitutions because of what I have on hand)
So that is what I have cooking this week. We had the chicken and dumplings on Saturday and Sunday. Last night I did not cook dinner. The soup should last us two or three days and I will break those days up by cooking the chicken pot pie. Yum. Jared and I love chicken. And I still have some chicken broth left!! :) I am thinking maybe cheese soup this weekend sometime... maybe.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thankful day 31
* day 31 (YAY)
* my new wool coat (I may have blogged about this before... it is from Uptown Cheapskate... I bought a J. Crew knee length 100% wool coat for $30 --> it is amazingly warm, incredibly warm, almost too warm). I love it.
* the consultant and V.P. that I get to spend time with the next three days at work (I LOVE MY JOB some days). They are fascinating. We are presenting next years plan and plea for funds to the CEO tomorrow. Woohoo.
* remote desktop that allows me to be in lab and communicating with my interns at work (some times technology does make my life easier... some times).
* an easy lab to grade
* a short cold that is almost over (God's grace to get everything finished that I needed to even with a cold and even a chance to rest on Sunday)
* colder weather
thankful day 30
Thankful day 29
Friday, October 28, 2011
thankful day 28
Thursday, October 27, 2011
thankful day 27
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Smith Taylor Smith - new (old) dishes
Jared found these in one of the best antique shops that I have ever been in. Why was it one of the best? I have included two pictures below of some pyrex bowls that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Do I need these bowls? No, I have plenty of mixing bowls. Are these my favorite mixing bowls ever? Probably. I love seeing them in antique stores. I also love seeing all the bright cheery red and white appliances and kitchen things (red handled potato master, red handled biscuit cutting the lard into dough tool... etc). If I ever break all my bowls, I am going to invest in this lovely set of bowls. This store was unclutter, but full. They had vintage feedsacks for reasonable prices, served me hot apple cidar, and knew what a cherry pitter was (I will pay up to $50 to buy an old fashion cherry pitter like my Dad's). She had just sold her cherry pitter, shame shame shame.
Cherry pitter I want!!
Bowls I ADORE!
Those bowls make me so happy (the price does not - ha).
Here is the plate.
mug & saucers
creamer (not pictured, sugar bowl)
butter dish
salt & pepper (they are adorably small)
thankful day 26
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
thankful day 25
Monday, October 24, 2011
thankful day 24
Sunday, October 23, 2011
thankful day 23
* cold weather (it means you have to use less ice to keep food cool when you are camping)
* my tent from the Libbys
* our sleeping bags (from Jamie and Dasha and the Griswolds)
* our Christmas dishes that we can take camping with us
* our cooler from the Spicers
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thankful day 22
* I don't have to sit in traffic every day on my way to work
* that Jared will split a sub with me and let me get whatever I want on it
* for mountains
* for leaves that are changing colors
Thursday, October 20, 2011
thankful day 21
thankful day 20
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
thankful day 19
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
thankful day 18
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day 17
Thankful day 16!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thankful day 15
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thankful Day 14
My new lands end dark blue polka dotted bathing suit top (only $10 on the overstocked end of clearance sale) and the pink skirt bottoms (only $5). I love Land's End bathing suits!! Love love love love love them!!!
I am also thankful for the new $5 black turtleneck that I found also on sale; it is so soft and will be perfect for work. I am thankful that I am old enough to wear a turtleneck and look classy at work. :) Okay, I am not so sure about that last one. I am not really thankful that I look like an old woman, but it is better than being an awkward teenager and I suppose it would be weird if I still looked like a child.
For all you people older than me... I have a question... Do you ever get used to looking in the mirror and seeing yourself (older than you have ever been)? Do you think you look older? Do you ever think, "who is that person staring back at me?" I am just curious. Someday I look in the mirror and I think, "that can't be me, it looks nothing like me, I am not that old".
Age is weird. It is really weird. I am guessing that you never really feel fully grown up, do you? I mean, I run a department a a company with 850 employees. I am responsible for saving over $2.5 million dollars next year alone. Today I discovered a way that we can save $130,000 a year by just making a couple wires shorter and not throwing away so much waste. I meet with upper level management weekly and just walk into their offices when I have questions or need things done. I take visitors on tours about the plant. I have conference calls with people from 5 or 6 different countries. Yet, I don't feel like I am old enough to be doing all these things. It is really weird to be working with people your parents age and older and having them as peers. Age is weird, my friends. I guess it is probably more weird for all the older people who now have to work with someone that is their kids age... I wonder if they think about that. I wonder if that is strange to them. Maybe they don't really think about it and that is why they are constantly surprised by my age. Anyhow, that is what I think about throughout the day. Welcome, to about a 30 second thought process from my brain. I think a lot.
I don't dream, like Anne of Green Gables, but I certainly question the world like she does. When she talks in the book, I feel like I understand her brain because that is how my brain is; it. never. stops. NEVER. My parents say that my mouth moves so fast they can't understand me sometimes. I try to talk slow, but there is just so much to say. My mom thought I would not be able to write papers well because my hands couldn't keep up with my brain; then she stuck me in front of a computer and Dad taught me how to type. There are still missing words and my thoughts jump all around, but it is so much better than when I write on paper (unless I am taking notes, I prefer to take notes by hand). Hayley said that reading my old letters was like figuring out a code because I would leave out words and run other words together. I reverse letters and numbers sometimes and substitute the wrong words (Jared laughs at me).
I am constantly curious about something or trying to solve some puzzle. Example, while waiting for Jared the other day outside of the computer lab, I decided to estimate how many bricks were on the outside of the new teacher building at SU. I counted the bricks up and across and figured out how many were taken out of the windows and doors. It was quite fun. I know, I am a complete nerd. Life fascinates me. I love it. I meant to stop three paragraphs ago (or maybe after I mentioned that I was thankful for my new bathing suit - ha).
Thursday, October 13, 2011
And old post that needs to be revisited!!
this post is dedicated to my favorite Sarah. I am going to see you soon! Yay.
This is one reason I love and miss my sister. Today she sent me a message that said, " * Why can’t Walter be my drawing master?"
To which I replied, "Why can’t Gilbert be in my school?"
And from there we went back and forth for the next hour with the following. Brownie points to the person who could name each and every referenced movie, book, and/or musical... heh. My favorite is by Sarah... It is, "Why don't we have a farm boy?" I laughed out loud when I received that one. I love you, Sarah! So much. Oh, I get to see you tomorrow. I am so excited. :) Oh, and Hayley, the second to last one was for you. I don't know if anyone else would get that quote. haha. I can't wait to see you either tomorrow. WOOHOO!
* Why can’t Mr. Bingley move to my neighborhood? And bring his friend?
Why can’t John Harmon work in my house?
* Why can’t Peter Warne ride on my bus?
Why can’t Marius sit in my park?
* Why can’t Prince Phillip haunt my forest?
Why can’t Percy rescue my brother?
* Why can’t Raoul rescue my scarf?
Why can’t Laurie move next door to my family?
* Why can’t Will Darcy find me strangely attractive?
Why can’t I take my father’s place in a haunted castle?
* Why can’t John Preston convict me of sense offence?
Why can’t Batman be my childhood friend?
* Why can’t my brother go on strike with Jack Kelly?
Why can’t Hans Solo find me in a prison cell?
* Why can’t Dr. House be my doctor?
Why can’t Wooster try to get on of his friends to marry me?
* What can’t I lose my gravity so that a handsome young prince can be willing to die for me but he doesn’t and we live happily ever after?
Why can’t Peter Parker live next to me or work in my office?
*Why can’t someone fall in my well and then help me watch the sheep?
Why can’t I be the governor’s daughter?
* Why can’t I marry the son of a sea cook?
Why can’t George serve me ice cream?* Why don’t we have a farm boy?Why can’t Prince Rillian be trapped under my house?
* Why can’t Robin Hood take me to Sherwood Forest?
Why can’t Jamie Boy kiss me?
* Why can’t Murphy watch me play the violin?
Why can’t Benedict write me sappy poetry?
* Why can’t I throw Buck’s flowers in the trash can?
Why can’t Rhett drive my buggy?
*Why can’t Humphrey Bogart let me get on the plane?
Why can’t Indi rescue me?
*Why can’t Captain Wentworth write me a letter?
Why can’t Jack be stranded on my Island?
*Why can’t Jack be my pumpkin king?
Why can’t Andrew come fix my room?
* Why can’t Woody help me defect from Russia?
Why can’t Woody be my cowboy?
* Why can’t Horatio Hornblower captain my ship?
Why can’t I argue with a kidnapped boy?
*Why can’t I watch Captain Von Trapp’s children?
Why can’t I bee a lonely stubborn school teacher out west somewhere?
* Why can’t Landon Carter promise not to fall in love with me?
Why can’t Captain Blood anchor his ship in my port?
* Why can’t Cornelious Hackel put on his Sunday clothes to come visit me?
Why can’t I twist my ankle while chasing a blue patch of sky?
* Why can’t Jimmy live in my town?
Why can’t I discuss politics and slave trade with a man who sings amazing grace parliament?
* Why can’t my shoe be the smallest in the kingdom?
Why can’t loops be my pilot?
* Why can’t I go singing in the rain?
Why can’t I be the lost penny that keeps coming back?
* Why can’t I be stranded in the desert with Dirk Pitt?
This is stuck in my head (and a bonus song)
Hearts in every form still matter
In our weakness help us see
That alone we’ll never be
Lifting any burdens off our shoulders
If our days could be filled with small rebellions
Senseless brutal acts of kindness from us all
If we stand between the fear and firm foundation
Push against the current and the fall, the current and the fall
God of the worn and tattered
All of your people matter
Give us more than words to speak
‘Cause we are hearts and arms that reach
And Love climbs up and down the human ladder
- Jars of Clay
Push against the current and the fall, I really like that line. At first I just liked the tune, it stuck in my head, but then I started thinking about what it really meant. We should be in the world, but not of it, influencing the people around us for good. We should be more than words that speak. :) That is all I have to say about this. I am going to listen to it again and this has moved to the top of my "cds to buy" list.
Bonus song:
Oh happiness, there’s grace
Enough for us and the whole human race
Oh happiness, there’s grace
Enough for us and the whole human race
-David Crowder Band
Okay, one more thing about the second song I included. I heard this song on the way in to work one day last winter, while I was still suffereing through days in the engineering department trying not to let them steal my joy. An aside, I am so thankful for those months spent in engineering, they were hard and boring, but I know so much about the company because of them. Back to the story, I heard this one the way to work. Well, that was an especially bad day, more terrible than they normally were, trapped in the fishbowl, blamed for things I didn't do with so many errors in the paperwork I was shuffling through. I can't remember what happened, but I know there were several things, and each time something happened, this song popped into my head, "oh happiness, there is grace, its enough for us". It made a day that should have been awful, seem not so bad because there is grace and it is plenty enough for us. Praise God for that. Since that day, I can't listen to this song without smiling and thanking God for his grace and goodness in my life.
Extra thankful!
thankful day 13

Source: Fingerpost
Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.
-Benjamin Franklin
So I read this little quote over at Fingerpost, and if you don't read Fingerpost then you are missing out each day at a fun little phase or saying, and it made me think. Let me start out by saying, I am a saver. I would probably dumpster dive and wear the same clothes for the rest of my life if it weren't for Jared. My siblings laugh at my frugal ways. Jared spends money. I am not saying this is bad and in some cases it is actually good, but it is different. Example: Jared and I are on vacation and we grab lunch at a fast food restaurant somewhere. I quickly locate one of the cheapest items on the menu and either get a free water or go drinkless. Jared adds on the chips and a drink with his order. Second example: Jared buys coffee out sometimes; I would never buy a soda or coffee out unless I had a coupon, it got me something else, or I had gone crazy. When I was in college I skipped a lot of meals, not because I didn't have money, but I would rather not spend it on expensive lunches. If I did eat, it was usually something that I had bought in bulk and portioned out to myself. I ate a lot of Frost Mini Wheats and Goldfish. Okay, so you get the picture?
The reason that this quote made me want to write a post was because I have found it to be entirely true and I wanted to share with you something that I have relearned. Jared and I budgeted for the first year or so of our marriage. By that time we both had jobs and we were able to put some in savings (YAY). Over the past year or so, we have both been more free with our money (not all of this is bad, a lunch with my interns, supplies for VBS, dinner for friends, presents for people, quilts and fabric for family and friends...etc). It wasn't like we were throwing it away on bad things, just too many good things. A little here and a little there added up to a lot of little things (as the quote says). This was all well and good until a couple months ago I realize that we spent more than we took in (thanks to Jared's school bill and medical expenses for his thumb, but still, it sort of freaked me out and made me think).
So we sat down and re budgeted our expenses. The funny thing about it is how many times I was spending money without even thinking about it (and I am the saving type). Most of the time I would think, “oh well, it is on sale”. Since being put back on a budget I think about every single thing that I have to buy. It has made me a much better planner. I semi plan our meals (still based on whatever meat is on sale). It was so much easier not to spend money when I made minimum wage (when I was 15), but each year that my hourly rate goes up, the fewer hours it takes to buy that shirt or that bag of sunchips. I remember when I first started shopping (and paying) for my own clothes. I used to consider each article of clothing, “is this worth X number of hours at Chick-Fil-A? In most case, I said no. I am thankful for a budget because it makes me think. I have to think about what I buy. I have to think about where my money goes. I have to think about saving up enough money to do something else and thus, not spending money on another thing. It is good; I haven’t had to do that for a while.
Why is this good? It makes me appreciate the things I have. It makes me look for ways to use up what I have instead of throwing them away and buying something new. It makes giving more rewarding and it makes me communicate with Jared about money more. Lastly, it makes me think about God more.
How does it make giving more rewarding? Instead of buying everything or anything that I could, I have to think ahead and maybe sacrifice some new fabric or something else I wanted so that I have the money to buy a gift. I have to give something up to be able to give to someone else. I am also thankful because it is good practice for the future. Someday I am going to have kids (no not now) and I want to be able to stay home with them. It is challenging me to think of others instead of myself. It is making me think about the money that God has blessed me with and to be careful with what he has given me.
I fully recommend putting yourself on a budget. Maybe it is because of my math brain and the fact that I am saver, but whatever the reason, I actually like being on a budget. It will stretch you and give you opportunities to grow. I have also found it allows Jared and me to talk about our money more. Before, if you had money, you spent it. Now we have to work together to decide what the money will be spent on.
One last thought, no matter what I have in savings or don't have in savings, does not (and should not) make me happy or comfortable. My true source of comfort is with Jesus Christ. He is the only one that can grant ultimate satisfaction and peace in this world. He is the giver of all good gifts. He has blessed me with way more than I could ever ask for. I am grateful for my job and Jared's job. I am grateful that God has let us be stewards of SO much. I hope I can always honor him with what I have (in plenty and in want). I am thankful for a budget that makes me think. I like being made to think. It is too easy to be in autopilot and not notice the world around you.
Today I am thankful for:
* a budget
* my jobs
* the ability to be healthy and be able to work
* the ability to save money for my future family
* my understanding husband
* for my parents who helped pay for my college and who encouraged me to stay in-state to stay out of debt and who brainwashed me into being frugal
* for the grandi-howards who wouldn't let me pay them for room and board and gave me the best house to live it of all my friends at college!!! They are great.
* that I could sell some of my old college books so that they are out of the house
* for my husband that encourages me to keep the house uncluttered and clean (and teaches me how to get rid of things that I will never need)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Thankful day 12
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
two things from Anne of Avonlea
2. A quote:
"Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one's life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one's side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music; perhaps... perhaps... love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath."