Friday, November 04, 2011


As of Thursday night, I had worked 41 hours at my normal job and 4 hours at Salisbury University teaching (plus 2 hours grading labs).  I was so tired. I came home at 6:15 on Thursday and knew that we had to leave for our small group book study at 6:45 (starts at 7).  When I walked in the house, not only had Jared gone grocery shopping (and found my favorite brand of tea on sale), Jared had cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and straightened up the rest of the house.  He is the best. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jared!!!  I love you. 
P.S. I have the best job in the entire world!!!!  I can't say enough about how much I LOVE MY JOB! 
P.P.S. I have the best husband (for me) in the entire world (and he is pretty cute too).  :)


  1. Faith, I think you have an awesome job too! When I tell people about you I say "She is really smart. . i mean she is REALLY smart. and had like 4 college degrees by age 22 and she also has a killer job...."

    ANYWAY. I think a straightened house is an amazing thing!

  2. YES!! Jared is great.

  3. Oh and I tell people all the time that my sister-in-law works for the TSA and some of your funny stories.... like the pie plate story. ha ha ha.


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