Monday, November 21, 2011


I am headed to Dallas in December.  Do you have any suggestion on anything that I should do while I am there?  I looked to see if there were any plays or concerts in the area the week that I am there, but there aren't.  I really wanted to see the Messiah, but it is showing the week before I am there.  Anyhow, if you have any suggestions, leave me a comment.  :)

My new coworker brought me real Mexican food today that his wife had made.  Yum yum yum.  Did you know there are over 40 ingredients in mole (mole-aye) sauce? I am trying to convince him to come to thanksgiving at my parents; I think it will be a lot of fun if he and his wife come.

I have a really funny story about our HR department, but I really shouldn't blog about it.  It was like being on the Office, but even more ridiculous. Basically, it came down to the HR department complaining about me helping them out.  :D  I can't begin to tell you how funny it is and I wish I could blog about things like this, but I know I would get in major trouble.  ha.  If you want the details, I may be persuaded to talk about it offline (that is a word that has dropped in my vocabulary from work - "let's talk about this offline", I have also started saying, "what are the action items that we can take away?" or "today's take away points are...", oh work).

I am thankful, very thankful, for my 4 day weekend and all the good food that I will partake in this weekend and all the great people that I will see.  I love you all.  I wish I could see my entire family (Hannah and Linnea and company) too, but I will have to be content with the 4 siblings and parents and my in-laws and niece and nephews. 

Lastly, happy late birthday to the best Dad in the whole world and my little, baby sister, Sarah.  I love you both.

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