
Thursday, December 06, 2007

I love snow!

However, I don't love walking around in it without my snow boots (which I left at home because I said that it never snows in December) on all the ice that is all over the sidewalks. I wish they had cancelled class either today or yesterday. It is such a mess out there. We got about five inches of snow. It snowed ALL day yesterday, from the moment I got up until when I got home last night. It is so pretty. I feel all Christmasy. :)


  1. I made the same fantastical claim! "Snow, we never get any before Christmas (or barely any)!" Ooh la la! It was a proper all-day snow, who'd a thunk it, especially after that tropical Thanksgiving?

  2. 5 inches?!?!

    We had an all day snow a few weeks back that was 15 inches!

    Ukraine still amazes me that nothing stops... even was climbing over fallen trees the next day but transport was moving! Friends also think it funny that we had more school closings for rain then snow, hehe. Oh the joys of the Eastern Shore!

    Enjoy the snow while you can!!!

  3. Faith,
    Jedd was up very early this morning. When i asked him why, he responded that he wanted to see the school closings on t.v.
    I reminded him..."honey, you're homeschooled this year!"
    Boy did we have a giggle!

  4. Ha ha, that is great about Jed -- at my house we wanted to know if the schools were closed though because if the neighbors came knocking on our door to play, we knew we could have the day off, too!

  5. Send some of the white stuff to Asia.


  6. And Ben would fire up the lawn mower to pull you all on the sleds(were we Shorebillies or what)?!

  7. Yep, never say never. Always be prepared for snow...

  8. That comment about Jedd is great.


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