
Saturday, December 08, 2007

I love plays!!! Joe and Mary (actually Mary couldn't go because she was caroling with the church, but I was Joe's date - Jared agreed to share me for the night - heh) took me to see this with hundreds of their grandchildren (well, not quite that many, but there are a lot of them). Although, I think Salisbury Christian did just as good of a job, this was quite delightful as well. :) I need to go to more plays... which reminds me, I can't wait to see Charley's Aunt! I love the theatre!! I also realized how sad Fiddler is - the whole play is rather bittersweet.

This is a thank you to Hayley and Sarah, as well, for the coolest birthday present ever for my twentieth birthday! Phantom was the most awesome play I have ever seen!! Thank you thank you thank you. I still rave to people about it.


  1. Phantom phantom phantom!!!

    Michael Crawford and Steven Barton forever.

    Gerald Bulter ruined the movie. The guy who played Raoul was a close second. Dreadful.

    Fiddler on the Roof was great! I am going to bed now.

  2. was the play at Toby's dinner theater, per chance?

  3. Off topic... when are you going to start up the weekly blog news update again so that we all know which blogs to read?

  4. When I am not taking five upper level engineering classes and running around like a crazy person and have time to check blogs for myself. heh.

    No, it wasn't at Toby's. But I hear that I need to go there some time. Joe was telling me he took the girls to Beauty and the Beast there and then they took their friends. I assumed that he meant you.

  5. Jamie: List the blogs in your google reader and you will automatically know when a new post has been made. Unfortunately Faith's blog is the only one that DOESN'T have that little orange thing-a-ma-bob that allows you to list it.

  6. I'm working on it. I don't have time. I will be trying to reorder most everything over Christmas break. Maybe... I may just want to stay away from the computer. heh. But anyhow, thanks for suggesting that. It is much easier. :D Although I lose my job.


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