Thursday, January 25, 2007

For those of you who don't know, (even my sister didn't know) GTH (or GTH Faith) is Hannah Singer's nickname for me. I don't know how it started. It was probably because I told her I didn't find puns on my name amusing, but people really did. But she has called me that for a few years now on my letters and presents. And how can you not love anything Hannah does?!? So after a while I started liking the nickname.

It stands for Got To Have Faith. If she was to go around saying Got to have Faith, I would probably be annoyed. I like GTH for some reason. Anyhow, that is the story behind my blog's new name.

Just a reminder...
Update me on your blog links!!!


  1. And here I was thinking that it stood for GO TAR HEELS!!!!

  2. Hmmm, I should have had a contest to make something up to the letters GTH faith. That is great. I have a double meaning blog now. :)

  3. You can pass any prize on to my sister, Anna. Though she does have minimal luggage space...


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