Monday, February 06, 2006

Thank God I am alive. Today has been a strange Monday. We rode the bus down to UMES today for Thermodynamics. After class we walked the usual 10 minute walk back to the bus pick up area. And we waited for 15 minutes for the bus to come. The bus doesn't show up at 1:22 like it is supposed to and we keep waiting. A fifteen passenger van pulls up and the driver tells us that he is the ride to SU today. We all give each other the "what in the world?" glance. Since the guys were going along with it, I felt safe. So the four of us hopped aboard and waited for the trip home to start. We stopped at the usual pick ups on the way back, the apartments, and the grocery store.
Then we headed north on 13 back to campus. Well, this 18 wheeler, carrying cars pulls out in front of us and we don't slow down. I was so certain we were going to run into this truck and all the driver was doing was pressing the horn. I mean, apply the brakes man!!! Apply the breaks. We swerved to the side and then I thought, "oh great, we are going to flip off the road into the ditch. Well at least that will be less painful then running into the truck. Well at least I hope so. " But thankfully, we ended up staying on the road and barely scratching by the truck. Man, I shaking after that. I think I finally started to breath correctly after I got back to my office. I really don't like Mondays.


  1. I'll glad you didn't get killed.

  2. This was not exactly a good post for a mother to read!! Praise to the Father Above who has guardian angels around us. Remember the hymn of the day...When peace like a river...when storm billows...Thank you, thank you, thank you for protecting my little girl!!!!

  3. the van said shore transit on it.


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