Monday, October 31, 2005

I forgot to mention yesterday how impressed I was by Dr. Charles Wingard. He was an excellent speaker.
And now it is October 31st and the Reformation Party is tonight...


  1. hang the Reformation party!

  2. Hey there... now now... it will all be over tonight. And I think you have done a great job.

  3. Is that Lynne formally known as Lynne Prettyman's husband?

  4. Aww I remember when Luke Linnea Greg and I dressed up as monks and threw little kids around....I mean made sure that they didn't "smuggle Bibles" Oh good times. I hope it is fun!

  5. Yeah, it won't be the same without you. I was looking around for helpers this year and I was like, they are all gone. Help, they are all in college now. We will try to have fun and eat lots of candy too. :p

  6. awesome job faith! it was great fun!

  7. You were awesome too! Everyone was! I can breathe again. :)


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