
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Planter boxes and mud

Today we bought tomatoes and peppers for half the boxes. They are color coded with the popsicle sticks. Yellow for cherry tomatoes, red for tomatoes, green for peppers.  The other halves have some garlic that had sprouted over the winter (so why not try to grow it) and some wildflowers (a mix, black eyed Susans, and zinnias). The boys and I planted those last week. Their endurance in gardening is about as much as filling the boxes with dirt. They are enthusiastic, but lacking in endurance. They have to start somewhere. 

We spend most of all day outside. The weather recently has been amazing. I should take them to a park or the zoo or the trails, but they have so much fun running around in the yard and digging in the dirt. 

They are usually covered in dirt by the end of the day and they leave muddy footprints all over the house. Oh well. It is good for their immune systems. 

But this is why the mudroom is the first big project on the list. Maybe next summer... Maybe. This year it is reroof the porch and replace the windows. 

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