
Monday, March 11, 2019

House (yard) project

For two years we have debated the gate of the porch. We never use it. When the boys are in the yard I can't see them from the porch and the exit is on the wrong side to be convenient. Oh, and one corner is rotting so we have to take that wall down and either rebuild it or leave it open. 

And it just ends up being a place to store our stroller and trash that needs to go to the dump. A friend gave us porch furniture this year and we still haven't used it. 

My vote is to tear the walls and low ceiling down, but leave the roof. Expose the rafters. Hang the lights back up and maybe a ceiling fan.  Another project this spring is to put planter boxes (raised beds) around the the ugly septic lids (next to James in the picture on the right). And if we tore down the walls of the porch we could spill out to pick tomatoes and peppers and herbs from the raised beds. The fire pit is in front on the septic lids and eventually we could tie it into the porch and raised beds and make the area all flow as one. 

So it was the first beautiful day of March and the boys got tools for christmas and I let them have at it.  We almost finished the first wall today (I know, it is the shortest one, but you have to start somewhere). Next up, to take my lights down and see what is in that ceiling. Please, don't have any squirrels or racoons living up there. 

There you have it. The fun projects for the spring. The other one is replace all the windows in the house, which isn't quite as exciting. 

1 comment:

  1. Even just removing the screens makes it look so different! Looks great so far!


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