
Saturday, June 02, 2018

Sunrises and Sunsets

Sometimes I dream of owning a house that overlooks a field and where I can watch sunrises and sunsets from a porch, in my rocking chair or hammock. I probably won’t and I am okay with that. I’m okay with seeing the occasional sunrise or sunset at a friends house or on vacation or on a walk. Because sunrises aren’t the ultimate thing they simply point us to a greater beauty. And what is coming is going to be so much better.

So often when I find myself longing for something it is because it is pointing to something greater. And if I never get to experience the reflections and small glimmers of the ultimate beauty in this life it doesn’t matter because some day I will be able to experience in full. Thinking about these things puts my priorities in order. I don’t have to chase after fleeting pleasures of this world. I don’t need to have it all now. I don’t need to see every sunrise and every sunset.

Now I see but dimly.
Then I shall see face to face.
Now I know in part.
Then I shall know fully.
(Paraphrase) 1 Cor 13

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