
Friday, December 29, 2017

Pyrex Love!

Guys, for years I have been hitting up
Target after Christmas clearance hoping to find Pyrex. I always see other people find it. I've gotten my hopes up a couple times, but it has always rung up full price. 

Well, guess what?!? I hit the jackpot today!! I bought seven of these dishes!  They were only $1.50 a piece. What? They are a favorite in my house and the perfect size for leftovers. We use them all the time. All the time. I adore them. 

Yay, for the target Christmas clearance!! 


  1. oh wow, great find! Those are really pretty!

    1. I forgot to mention and I think they are adorable!! A woman was unloading extra stock from the back and she had an unopened box of four that I took. :) I asked her first. She said she was pulling all the Christmas stuff to the floor. So they have stuff in the back sometimes that never ever gets put out at full price... That is a little weird. But I'll take it.


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