
Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Instead of cats

I saw this photo on Instagram and realized that if left on my own I would probably hoard vintage Pyrex. Instead of cats you would walk into my house in 40 years and this shelf would all be filled up with Pyrex dishes. I would also collect polish pottery, but it is way more expensive. So, there wouldn't be as many of those pieces. 

However, I collect neither (in any significant quantity) because thankfully:
1. I have a husband who hates collecting junk and having things just sitting around useless. He has rubbed off on me...a little. 
2.  I have children to feed. Should I buy food or this dish? 
3. I hate cleaning extra stuff. 
4. It just wouldn't be efficient. Part of me wants all these dishes and part of me says, "why have them? You couldn't use all of them." I really appreciate having just enough (and maybe a few extra pretty dishes for decoration). 
5. I'm a saver, not a spender. When I do spend money it tends to be on things that matter (like events and people) or will last (like a good quality coat or vacuum). I'm probably a little too much of a saver, but again Jared rounds me out and pushes me towards the spending side a bit more. 

You will definitely find a few Pyrex and Polish pottery pieces around my house. I'm looking forward to some open shelves and glass cupboards to display my prettiest pieces. 

I don't really know the point of this post. I'm just rambling. But I love seeing other people's collections and I love visiting the vintage Pyrex section of antique stores. 


Yes. These are the cat shelves. :) more pictures on that later. 

I started unpacking my books yesterday. Maybe I'll display some Pyrex in between them while I wait for room in my kitchen. They aren't doing any good packed up in boxes. 

Rabble. Ramble. Ramble. 

I'm avoiding finishing my ESL lesson. I better go finish that. 

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