Friday, September 09, 2016

Fever, Glue Sticks, and I need egg recipes!

Yes. It is 95°F outside and I am covered up with a feverish toddler and a quilt. It is making me so sleepy. 

Thankfully, I bought Martin some new scissors and a glue stick yesterday. He is enjoying hanging out next to me on the floor, cutting out random shapes, and gluing them together. Hooray, for art supplies!! 

Hooray, for an older child who can get their own art supplies out! 

The practice registration night for ESL was last night. Since I had to be at church early, I pushed the easy button and ordered $5 pizzas from Pizza Hut. That will be lunch for Jared and Martin today!

Tonight for dinner I need to use up some eggs. The chickens have laid 5 eggs two days this week (and either three of four the other days --> that's a lot of eggs - I need to start making the boys scrambled eggs more mornings. That will use up five or six a day)!! Do you have any suggestions? I'm thinking quiche and these egg muffins from ATK. What other good things that lots of eggs in them? Any suggestions?  

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