
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Haircuts and Grace

The more you practice sitting still, the easier it is. Tonight is the first night I didn't have to hold the baby's head while Jared trimmed around his ears. He's growing up. Now if we can teach him to sit still during Bible story time (he is improving) and church (not so good)...  Practice makes perfect though. We will keep working with him. 

One of the hardest things in parenting is recognizing when your kids are old enough to be able to handle a certain task and actually taking the time to train them. Left to their own kids will always take the easier route because they are sinners like us and we like ease and comfort. We want to be in control of what feels good to use at the moment. Parenting takes effort. It is hard work to train up a child and to teach them self control. So many days you feel like you are fighting the same battle over and over and over again. As an adult I often want to do what is easy - let my kids do what they want, but I know that won't be good for them in the long run (even though it seems fun now). It is a blessing to see the fruit of your work in small things, such as sitting still for a hair cut and listening to almost all the Bible story quietly.

Press on. Your labors aren't in vain. God uses broken people for His glory. I am so glad He is in control because I so often fall short of being a good parent, wife, friend, etc. He is always gracious. I am so glad. 

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