
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jolly baby

Jared had this Monday and Tuesday off work because his aunt and uncle were in town. We spent wonderful time with them both days they were here. But mostly we stayed at the house and relaxed (as much as you can with tooth pain). 

 I am so thankful that Jared was home this weekend and Monday and Tuesday as I am battling an abscess tooth and the boys both have had digestive problems. When it rains it pours. I am so grateful for a husband that cheerfully handles whatever is thrown at him. It wasn't the best way to spend a vacation. :) 

This is a photo of the very moment that the lady at Chick-fil-A told us that, "she looks just like her older brother". 

I just love the baby's face in this one. 

We have ESL, a harvest party, helping someone move, and a baby shower in the near future. So, I won't be blogging much for the next two weeks. 

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