
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Children's Lit Baby Shower Details

I know I said I wouldn't be posting about my sister's shower, but I found out that several people snapped a couple photos. So I have pieces them together into a post. It was lovely and by far my favorite shower that I have ever attended. And it was also quite simple!! Well, my part was simple; I just brought books. Anna put more work into her book decorations, games, and plates. :) She's a champion. 

For my sisters shower we decorated with garland that was made from little mini books. Here is a picture Anna sent me to show me hers as she made it. She ended up hanging hers across door ways with streamers above and below it. It looks amazing. 

I topped the cupcakes with mini books that i glued to toothpicks. 
I made them on the sewing machine. It was super easy. 

We used these plates and cups mixed with some light blue plates because more people RSVPed then we expected. 

I also set stacks of children's books around. I lined the counter behind the food with them. We lined the mantel downstairs with them. I had a mini lorax (The Lorax), Horton (Horton Hears a Who), and corduroy (Corduroy). We set them around with their books. Also, I set a cap on Caps for Sale and baby shoes in front of The Foot Book. And then we had a book for each food... More of that in the food section. 

For games we found two free downloads online (which Anna printed on very fancy paper):
1. A children literature's quiz to see how much you knew about children's books. Example: which one of these is not a child in the Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe? Peter, Susan, Lucy, Edward. 

2. A games where book titled were written in other words and you had to  decipher what they were. 
Example: Farewell to the Celestial Orb. 

Ham sandwiches (Green Eggs and Ham)
Meatballs (Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs)
Veggie Tray (Peter Rabbit)
Nuts (squirrel Nutkin)
Spinach Salad (The Little Engine that Could)
Pasta Salad (Strega Nonna)
Crab Dip (Harry the Horseshoe Crab)
Spinach Artichoke Dip 
Fruit Kabobs (The Hungry Caterpillar
Pink Lemonade (If Ran the Circus)
Water (Oh, The Things You Can Think)
Yellow cupcakes with strawberries and whipped cream (Jake Baked the Cake)

I wish I had used library card invitations, but I was rushing to get them out and just printed them on white paper (I tried card stock, but it kept getting jammed). I did use a rhyme from Dr. Suess's ABCs, "Big B, Little b, what begins with B? Bird, Boy Baby, Bubbles, and a bumblebee. 

1 comment:

  1. This was an amazing baby shower and I had a wonderful time!



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