
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Random Topics and Help Needed

1. Martin has finally started enjoying forts!! Jared had to be somewhere Wednesday evening and Martin and I both are recovering from some weird cold or allergies.  We built forts and knocked them over. Then we ran cars down the cushions at an angle. The fun is only beginning. I am looking forward to the first giant cardboard box that comes to our house. :) 

2. I also let Martin dump water all over the kitchen floor while I cooked dinner... Why? It keeps him busy, cleans up easily, and teaches him how to pour water from bowl to bowl. Oh, and it is FREE!!

3. I finished grading my labs today during nap time. This was the only funny answer: 
Q: What gas is it and why is it important?
A: the gas is called oxygen, it is important because it kills fishes and other organisms. 

How can you be in college and think fishes is a word or that oxygen kills them?!? Sigh. Otherwise, I have a really good class so far this year. I have told the baby that he can't come more than six days early. If he comes any time after November 3rd at about 730 or 800pm, that would fit my schedule perfectly. 

4. I made a maternity shirt. It is based on a design of another shirt I have that I really like. It turned out mostly well. 

5. After taking care of a sick baby this week, I have finally gone grocery shopping, gotten dressed in something not covered in snot, emptied my sink, semi straightened my house, run my dishwasher, and washed three loads of clothes and a load of diapers. I am almost caught up. It is amazing how much you accomplish when you aren't constantly holding a sick toddler. Speaking of sick toddler... He is getting way too heavy and long.  

6. Also speaking of the sick toddler... He has had four bloody noses in the last week. I have never had a bloody nose. I imagine they are quite upsetting. I need your help.  

Do you have any tricks for toddlers with bloody noses (ie how to distract them and how to stop the blood... He hates having his nose pinched)?

Do you have any tricks for getting blood out of clothes? 

How do I stop him from rubbing his head all over the crib when he falls asleep at night? He loves to smash his face into his blankets. 


  1. Peroxide is great for blood stains. It's what my mom learned as a nurse and it's all I use :)

  2. Thanks!! I will definitely try that. I might have to get the details from you or your mom on Sunday.

  3. Cardboard boxes were so much fun as a child. Your little ones will have a blast. Joe and I have pictures playing in a refrigerator box that had window cut-outs, and was covered in contact paper.


  4. Wow. You actually had "glass" for your windows. That is fancy. I loved playing in cardboard boxes. One of my favorite memories is when my parents bought new kitchen chairs and we each had our own giant box to make a house from.


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