
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I love summer meals.

But I don't like the summer heat.  The fresh food makes summer bearable, but it is still my least favorite season.  For dinner, last night, we had burgers, fresh green beans and new potatoes, fresh corn, and cantaloupe.  So delicious. 

I also made Martin three beanbags yesterday. He went around the house happily throwing them down on the floor last night while I cooked dinner. 

We went grocery shopping and then to VBS decorating from 10-12:30. During his nap I cleaned the house and started dinner. Unfortunately, the fire department stopped by right after I put him down for a nap and wanted to test my smoke detectors. I had to tell them no. I felt more sorry for Martin because I know he would have loved to see the fire engine parked outside. Oh well, there will be other fire engines. Maybe he will even get to ride on one.

Martin loves all cars and trucks right now. He chants, "ca ca ca ca" whenever he see anything with four wheels.  He has also been making this funny hissing noise, when playing with his fire truck, and I didn't know what it was until there was a semi truck in front of us at the light and I heard the air brakes go off and then from my back seat I heard Martin copy it. So funny. Having a baby is one of the most entertaining things.  I love having him around!! 


  1. Oh wow, that's so interesting what kids will notice and copy.

  2. I know. I was very amused once I figured it out. I thought I would be bored having children.


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