
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Four Stitches & A Project

I wish I could say I got four stitches building my kids their train/craft table, but I sliced it open cutting up cooked chicken for Martin's lunch before construction even started on the table. This means we sat in the immediate care place for over an hour getting my thumb fixed before work on the table could start. I am so thankful that Jared was home and my sisters could come over, on short notice, and watch Martin. He loves them. 

My awesome husband still made it this far along with the tables progress.  I will try painting it this week while Martin naps. We just have to buy two more plastic bins. My original plans called for drawers, but plastic bins are cheaper and easier, plus they have a lid. The top shelf will be art supplies, the bottom shelf will hold train pieces, and the bigger side bin will hold assorted toys. 

I plan to paint part of a wall with chalkboard paint. Jared is also going to build shelves on the wall up high so we can store various other toys. 



More pictures once the painting and shelves are finished. I am pretty excited!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see it when it is finished!



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