
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Homemade Wipes

So I am trying out a recipe for homemade baby wipes.  If they work (and by work I mean, don't get moldy) I will keep making them since they are super easy.  If they do get moldy, I will try using distilled water and vinagar before giving up.  

2.5 cups water boiled or distilled (to remove bacteria that can cause mold, who knew?)
2 - 4 T. baby soap
1 - 2 T. baby oil or olive oil
Some recipes call for optional aloe ad since I have an aloe plant, I broke off a few leaves and squeezed them in.  I felt like a real hippie.  

Mix all of that together in a bowl.  Cut a roll of paper towels in half.   Stick one end in the mixture.  Flip over after a minute or two and let them sit until fully saturated.  
If you have a bowl with a lid or a round container, you can simply take out the cardboard roll and pull from the middle.  I stacked mine in sheets in an old wipe container.  

We will see what happens.  Updates will follow.  I love the way they smell and they work fine.  I will do a cost anaylsis later.  I am guessing they are at least half of the cost of the wipes I buy at Sams club (which smell funny).  

Have you ever tried to make wipes or any other cleaning products? 


  1. I used this recipe for my cloth wipes. I didn't use them for very long though. I hsted "swishing" them. Gross lol

  2. I used this recipe for cloth wipes but it was too much for me lol. The swishing in the toilet grossed me out:)

  3. I am using it with paper towels. So far they have worked just like real wipes. I plan on using cloth wipes with my next children when they are solely breastfeed. Once that real food starts coming through, it will be back to paper wipes. Swishing diapers is gross, but it is amazing how quickly it becomes normal.


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