
Thursday, December 15, 2011

My schedule this week:
Monday - Wednesday:
5:15 gym
6:15 shower
6:30 breakfast
8:00 - 5:00 training
6:30 - 8:30 - dinner with trainer and other classmates
8:30 - 10:30 answer work emails and finish charts and projects

5:15 gym
6:15 shower
6:30 breakfast
8:00 - 2:00 training
2:00 - 4:00 drive to Corinth plant (get lost, get stuck in traffic, go really slow because it is raining so hard you can't see)
4:00 - 6:00 - tour Corinth plant -- HIGHLIGHT (other, than Babe's Chicken House) of my trip. Wander around the plant and ask all sorts of questions.  Garner new ideas for projects that I am working on.
6:30 - 7:30 - dinner with dotted line boss and counterpart in Corinth.  Texas smoked brisket, ribs, and sausage. No plates, just a stack of napkins and lots of bar-b-que sauce.  Delicious.
 7:30 - 9 - drive back to hotel (still raining, still getting lost - TomTom and I are not on speaking terms right now... he is not happy in Texas.  I told him to make the best of it, but he froze up and refused to give me any directions.  Found my way back home by myself. I am willing to forget all of this if he can find me a path to the airport tomorrow, if not, I will just follow the planes and signs).
9:10 - filled car with gas so I can return it tomorrow
9:20 - now (11ish) - answered work emails and brainstormed ideas for next week

One neat thing about driving back to the hotel in the rain tonight was watching the planes randomly appear out of the sky and drop in for their landing.   The cloud cover was so low and thick that you couldn't see the lights until just the moment before the plane appeared.  It was really interesting looking.  They looked like alien spacecraft coming in for an invasion.  heh.

Good night!  I am exhausted.  Maybe I can sleep on the plane on the way home tomorrow (Except I have the middle hiss... and have lots of work to do for work for next week - I am so behind).  HOME! My own bed!  My own pillow!  My own kitchen! More than one pair of jeans and some dress clothes to wear! Home! I miss you; here I come.  Jared, I can't wait to see you.  I miss you so much. 

Good bye 12th floor hotel room, that I forgot to take a picture of and will probably forget to take a picture of before I leave tomorrow. Maybe we will see each other again in 4 weeks...

1 comment:

  1. it looks like a crazy crazy week. did I tell you how impressed I am with your diligence as far as going to the gym regularly? I miss being able to go to the gym whenever I want to, but you inspire me to try anyway


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