
Thursday, October 06, 2011

thankful day 6

I am thankful that my mother taught me to love reading.  I am thankful that I can read.  I am thankful that she read to me. I am thankful for all those trips to the library toting hundreds of books.  I am thankful that my Mom wrote down each and every book when we came home from the library so that we knew what books to look for when they were lost.  I am thankful that I won't ever have to do that because the library now print out a list for me.  I am thankful for free books that I can borrow and read (because otherwise I would blow my budget on books).  I am thankful that Jared reads to me while I sew and cook. I am thankful that between Jared, NPR, and the Economist, I have learned to read non-fiction and learned so much! 
I am thankful that I don't have a computer at my house.  I would waste so much time getting "inspiration" from food blogs and craft blogs and I would not accomplish as much.  I am glad Jared feels the same way.  And I am thankful that there are plenty of places that have access to a computer and wi-fi so when I need to check something I can. Thank you businesses that have free wi-fil.  :)
I am thankful for Grandipop's chili recipe.
I am thankful that Chalice is willing to give up 6 months to go to Uganda.  You should pray for her and follow her exciting journey.  I would link you to her site, but I am writing this as an email and I can't edit links.  The link is over to the side of my blog.  I am thankful that God works in the hearts of people around me.  I am thankful to I can see that.  I am thankful for change.  I guess I am weird. 

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