
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Thankful day 4

I am thankful for goldfish (and wish I had made time to go to Sams club and buy some more on Saturday) and trail mix to keep my brain working throughout the day. 
I am thankful that I am so much more busy than I ever was, in my old department, and that I don't spend time wasting time because there is no work to do.  It is so awesome to have a job that keeps you busy ALL the time (I feel like a lot of desk jobs are just sitting at a desk and trying to look busy).  I am so thankful that my job is not like that; I would go crazy.  I love having things to do, meetings to go to, tools to order and prototype, screens to program, training to do, things to organize, people to interview, and phone calls to make (okay, not the phone calls, but I am thankful that I am getting used to them and don't mind them as much as I used to).  
I am thankful for my husband and the way he makes me laugh.  He is my own personal muppet and he entertains me all the time.  I have never met anyone like him and I am afraid, that someday, when we have kids, they will be just like him.  I think he is going to show up on my thankful list a bunch of times because I am so super thankful for him. 
I am thankful for boots and leggings to keep me warm and so that I can keep wearing skirts all year long!
I am thankful for homemade oatmeal cinnamon raisin bread and english muffins.  I have an excuse to warm up the house and to eat yummy foods. 
I am thankful for food blogs that share creativity for me and for cookbooks that I can hold in my hands and mark up.  


  1. I'd request you go get some on Saturday too. :) Or maybe I can bring some with me. Put those into the Ledos and CB mix. :)

  2. Oh hey Faith I saw this today and I thought of you because I've seen you post some bunkbed ideas before.


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