
Friday, October 14, 2011

Thankful Day 14

I am thankful for:
My new lands end dark blue polka dotted bathing suit top (only $10 on the overstocked end of clearance sale) and the pink skirt bottoms (only $5).  I love Land's End bathing suits!!  Love love love love love them!!! 

I am also thankful for the new $5 black turtleneck that I found also on sale; it is so soft and will be perfect for work.  I am thankful that I am old enough to wear a turtleneck and look classy at work. :) Okay, I am not so sure about that last one.  I am not really thankful that I look like an old woman, but it is better than being an awkward teenager and I suppose it would be weird if I still looked like a child.

For all you people older than me... I have a question... Do you ever get used to looking in the mirror and seeing yourself (older than you have ever been)?  Do you think you look older?  Do you ever think, "who is that person staring back at me?"  I am just curious.  Someday I look in the mirror and I think, "that can't be me, it looks nothing like me, I am not that old". 

Age is weird. It is really weird. I am guessing that you never really feel fully grown up, do you?  I mean, I run a department a a company with 850 employees.  I am responsible for saving over $2.5 million dollars next year alone. Today I discovered a way that we can save $130,000 a year by just making a couple wires shorter and not throwing away so much waste. I meet with upper level management weekly and just walk into their offices when I have questions or need things done.  I take visitors on tours about the plant.  I have conference calls with people from 5 or 6 different countries.  Yet, I don't feel like I am old enough to be doing all these things.  It is really weird to be working with people your parents age and older and having them as peers.  Age is weird, my friends.  I guess it is probably more weird for all the older people who now have to work with someone that is their kids age... I wonder if they think about that.  I wonder if that is strange to them.  Maybe they don't really think about it and that is why they are constantly surprised by my age.  Anyhow, that is what I think about throughout the day.  Welcome, to about a 30 second thought process from my brain.  I think a lot.

I don't dream, like Anne of Green Gables, but I certainly question the world like she does.  When she talks in the book, I feel like I understand her brain because that is how my brain is; it. never. stops. NEVER.  My parents say that my mouth moves so fast they can't understand me sometimes.  I try to talk slow, but there is just so much to say.  My mom thought I would not be able to write papers well because my hands couldn't keep up with my brain; then she stuck me in front of a computer and Dad taught me how to type.  There are still missing words and my thoughts jump all around, but it is so much better than when I write on paper (unless I am taking notes, I prefer to take notes by hand).  Hayley said that reading my old letters was like figuring out a code because I would leave out words and run other words together.  I reverse letters and numbers sometimes and substitute the wrong words (Jared laughs at me).

I am constantly curious about something or trying to solve some puzzle.  Example, while waiting for Jared the other day outside of the computer lab, I decided to estimate how many bricks were on the outside of the new teacher building at SU.  I counted the bricks up and across and figured out how many were taken out of the windows and doors.  It was quite fun. I know, I am a complete nerd.  Life fascinates me.  I love it. I meant to stop three paragraphs ago (or maybe after I mentioned that I was thankful for my new bathing suit - ha).


  1. Well! My brain was going a hundred miles a minute after that post!

    Mirrors and Age: No, I see the "same me" in the mirror as I did when I was a kid. It's when I look at my hands and see age spot, thin skin, and blue veins that I am surprised(and a little sad). Or when, for NO reason at all, my body shape changes. I'm not talking about gaining or losing weight-just a change in shape. I had this talk with my Dad once about age and he said it's the hand-thing too.

    And I must say, I just can't resolve myself to cosmetic "enhancements". I want to embrace my age-and there is no sense in leaving a "good looking" corpse.

    Turtlenecks: LOVE THEM-I think they are classy. I'm sure some don't but Audrey Hepburn wore them so they are good enough for me. AND my geeky little neck just gets too cold in the winter so it's turtlenecks for me.

    On your writing: Funny! I like Hayley's "secret code" comment. But always "cross your 't's and dot your 'i's" at work. I would think carefulness and perfection is important in your line of work(Remember the Challenger: it was one faulty "o" ring). But I am sure that your bosses are THANKFUL for you, Faith and having you in charge! You probably have the twice the energy and gumption that they are lacking!

  2. Thanks, Aunt Suzanne. You are sweet.
    - Faith

  3. I've been saying age is weird for a couple decades now, so that was around your age now, I guess, when I started saying it...It's kind of like I stopped aging (on the inside), maybe like at 35 or so? But the outside keeps on rotting. I FEEL inside just as young as...(a day ago?) (two DECADES ago), because I'm still ME-- but to others I look much older. I hate that I labeled people my age now as old when I was 25-35; I'm sorry I label people at all in groups and generalities; we are all people! with struggles and desires and dreams and worth...anyway--I have also said that we never "grow up," we just keep conclusion, I say enjoy life--wherever you are, whatever stage you are in, seize the day!

  4. Faith, you are just too funny!

    Lovelovelove your thoughts on life and every aspect of it. It's funny you talk about age like that. It sounds exactly how my best friend and I always thought of it. We grew up together and every time we would reach another milestone (at the same time most likely), we would be like: 'Wow, NOW we're definitely grown ups. Remember we thought walking to school by ourselves was 'adult'? hahaha. Now that we have boyfriends we're definitely grown-ups.' Then we would be like 'Boyfriends? Ha! we were kids then! Now we have diplomas and real jobs. Noooow life is real for sure. We're officially adults.' And so on. And not so long ago we were talking about our babies on skype and I asked her 'Do you think we finally grew up, now that we both have been married for 6 years and became moms?' She said 'Nah, we're never growing up'. So, I think it is settled. We're never growing up. I know I look different than I did 15 years ago. But I'm exactly the same kid on the inside as I was then. And I embrace the youthfulness of my inner world. And who cares, what the outside looks like, really? It's soooo temporary compared to eternity with our Father. Not that we shouldn't maintain our earthly temple in good shape. But you get the point.

    Thanks for sharing! (gosh, you got me thinking, too)

  5. Faith, you are just too funny!

    Lovelovelove your thoughts on life and every aspect of it. It's funny you talk about age like that. It sounds exactly how my best friend and I always thought of it. We grew up together and every time we would reach another milestone (at the same time most likely), we would be like: 'Wow, NOW we're definitely grown ups. Remember we thought walking to school by ourselves was 'adult'? hahaha. Now that we have boyfriends we're definitely grown-ups.' Then we would be like 'Boyfriends? Ha! we were kids then! Now we have diplomas and real jobs. Noooow life is real for sure. We're officially adults.' And so on. And not so long ago we were talking about our babies on skype and I asked her 'Do you think we finally grew up, now that we both have been married for 6 years and became moms?' She said 'Nah, we're never growing up'. So, I think it is settled. We're never growing up. I know I look different than I did 15 years ago. But I'm exactly the same kid on the inside as I was then. And I embrace the youthfulness of my inner world. And who cares, what the outside looks like, really? It's soooo temporary compared to eternity with our Father. Not that we shouldn't maintain our earthly temple in good shape. But you get the point.

    Thanks for sharing! (gosh, you got me thinking, too)


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