
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thankful day 12

I am thankful for:
* water
* bananas (they have their own wrappers)
* my basil plant (it is over 3 feet high and as long as I keep pinching off the flowers, it keeps growing up and up and up, it will be sad when winter comes and there is no more fresh basil)
* spaghetti and meatballs (that going to be my dinner)
* homemade English muffins (with butter and honey)
Do you see a theme today? ha. I really didn't mean to do that.


  1. First off, yes on the bananas! Also, yes on the basil!- only my neighbor kids picked all of mine back in June before they had time to give me any leaves, sadness.
    I can't remember anything else right now.

  2. Faith, I love these new series of thankfulness posts! It's so good to stop and think about the wonderful blessings around us rather than complain about the things that go wrong.

    And I'm totally with you on the basil. Ours is still fruitful and delicious, too :) We also have parsley. And a rose bush that blooms beautifully. Not a bad little garden for our teeny balcony :)

    Keep posting, friend. You're an encouragement to many!

  3. steph, that is very sad about your basil. The same thing has happened to our tomato plant. I can't complain about it because it mysteriously popped up out of the ground outside my back door one day. And I was watching these 6 little tomatoes grow into big green tomatoes... and then they disappeared... The plant in still there. I guess the Lord gives and the Lord takes away could easily be stated here. I was thankful to watch it grow. I really like watching plants grow. It is marvelous, especially because I don't understand how that works at ALL.

    Dasha, you are sweet, as always. Thanks for reading. They have been fun to write each morning.

    All, I forgot sunchips on my list today. After I submitted my post I thought, as I was eating my sunchips, "these garden salsa sunchips are so good!" ha.


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