
Sunday, August 07, 2011

A song, a recipe, and a question...

I reliezed again today that I adore Coldplay's music and I was going to post lyrics on here, but I it was taking too long to search for them and copy them. 

I also realized that I couldn't copy the recipe that I wanted to share with you because the website won't let you steal text from the pages.  Boo.  I will type it out some other time for you because it is the best peach crisp that I have ever made (I have made it twice now, it is so good).  If you invite me over I might make it for you because I have 156 (minus the 4 I ate for breakfast, so 152) peaches sitting on my counter and table right now (I counted :) yes ).  I could possibly make it glutton free ... I think it will still turn out.  The flour is only 1/4 and oatmeal seems to do just as well.   Anyhow, that recipe is coming soon too. 

Now on to VBS week.  I am so glad it is finally here.  After it is over it means I can start planning vacation time for me. 

Tomorrow I am cutting the grass when I come home from work, VBS, work, and the gym (I might skip the gym).  When was the last time you cut the grass?  I used to cut my neighbors grass for two or three summers.  I am really glad I don't make my living cutting grass, but it was nice to get paid back in the day.  What was your first job? 


  1. Are you planning on canning the peaches?

    My first job was babysitting everyones kids. Then my first real job was at army's.

    Good luck with VBS this week. We start school this week!

  2. babysitting for .50/hour

    then waitressing - I mean table serving in Ocean City

    my Dad would not let his daughters touch the lawn mower- laundry was a different story

  3. Babysitting. But I may have been paid $1 an hour, Wendy:) Sometimes I'm amazed that people would actually let me be in charge of their precious ones. I was a pretty good babysitter, but, really, I wasn't a MOM.

    I cut the lawn. Hmm. Did I get paid? I'll ask Dad. He was into us doing stuff cuz we were part of the household:)

    Then Sunny's Drive-In(still in existence; run by my old manger). I can make awesome wings-Buffalo style to this day. And subs. girls weren't allowed to make the pizzas(???)

  4. What? No pizza? I wonder why. I love making pizza. I didn't know you worked in a drive in.

    I am planning on canning some of them or freezing them. Depending on how much time I have. I am making another peach crisp tomorrow that is glutton free and I will be making an extra large peach crisp for the closing ceremony. :)

  5. Oh, and I gave some to my dad and Annadrew too. I will probably give them more on Thursday.


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