
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Something good (to be thankful for):
My eyes are still healthy and better than 20/20!  YAY!
I made the most amazing chocolate cupcakes stuffed with peanut butter frosting and topped with peanut butter frosting and hot fudge icing.
Jared's thumb is getting better.
The weather is cooling down.  Yay.  I love fall.  It is my favorite season!!!
We finally got around to meeting our neighbors.   
I have the best job ever!  I love it. 
My interns remain amazingly helpful.
Something bad (pray for me to have patience):
Insurance company is still billing me incorrectly.  Which means that they are charging me an in network AND an out of network deductible.  This means that I have to pay over a grand more than I would if I only had to pay my normal in network deductible. 
BOO!!  Boo.  Boo.  Boo.  boo.  boo. 

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