
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving is only a day away!!
Question of the day/week: What are you thankful for?

1. For the saving grace and mercy of God, which accomplished and keeps my salvation without depending on any contribution from me.

2. Jared (We have the most rediculous amount of fun. I never thought I would spend so many hours of married life laughing and being silly.  He brightens every day.  He is my best friend, my comic relief, my greatest helper, and the sweetest husband.  He unloads the dishwasher some mornings for me or loads it while I am in the shower (as a surprise).  He helps me fold my clothes and irons his clothes.  He prays and reads the Bible and Surgeon with me each morning.  He reads to me for hours and hours and hours while I cook and sew.  Each moment spent with him is absolutely delightful.  I never dreamed that marriage would be so much fun.  I had this idea that it was going to be all work and no fun.  Boy, I sure am glad that I was wrong.  Marriage is wonderful.  It is the most satisfying job in the entire world to make Jared laugh after a long day at work when he is tired and discouraged.  I love cooking for him and taking care of him.  It is the best! )  I LOVE you, Jared.  You are amazing. 
3. My family.  I can't talk about each of these in detail.  But I have the best family in the world.  :)   You will just have to take my word for it. 
4. My husband's family.  I love Jared's parents like I never thought I could love any other set of parents.  Mrs. Shelton shares so much of her fabric with me and is such an encouragement. 
5. My job.  I am glad to have a place that pays me so that I can pay my bills. 
6. My church. I am thankful that they faithfully preach the Word of God each week.
7.  Cooler weather!  I love the fall.
8. My sewing machine (thanks, Mrs. Bailey).  I love to create on it.
9.  igrace music.   I love listening to the words of old hymns.  It makes me days brighter.
10.  G.T. and the Halo Express.  It also makes my days brighter. 
11. NPR.  A Prairie Home Companion.  Car Talk.  Fresh Air.  BBC World News.  Etc... It is nice to listen to radio that makes me think and expands my knowledge.  I have heard several book reviews and musical reviews and gone out and read or listened to them afterwards and loved them.  :) 
12. My second job at SU.  I LOVE teaching!! 
13. For Jared and my health.  YAY!! 
14.  For camping trips and a husband who is a trooper to spend the entire first night of camping in a downpour that dropped 5" of rain.  Thank you, Jared.  And thanks to my father for lending us all the useful camping things.  Warm oatmeal on the stove each morning was so nice. 
15. Bike riding which I don't do enough of.
16.  For Books. 
17. For learning.
18. For the Grandi Howards at 9501. 
19.  For homemade bread and rolls and cinnamon buns... Yum yum yum!!!
20. For all the Delicious foods I make and eat. 
21.  For lots of counter space in my kitchen.  It makes life so much easier.  I am so thankful for counter space.
22.  For my kitchenaid mixer (thanks Sheltons), my electric tea kettle, and my non-stick frying pans (thanks Anna).  Also, for my BIG cutting board (Hope).  I used it last night and it make life so much easier.
23. For colors and the way each season has its own sets of colors and smells.
24. For fall smelling candles (apple pie and pumpkin spice I am thinking about you!!).
25. For beautiful fabrics and a nice little stash of MODA fabrics.  I love you, fabrics. 
26.  For a mother-in-law who gives me all sorts of sewing knick knacks and fabrics and threads and inspiration! 
27. London.  West End. The Globe. Trains.  Oxford.
28. Germany.  I would love to go back to beautiful, wonderful, delicious Germany. 
29. The Sperows who let us stay with them and toted us all around Germany to places they had probably been tons of times.  Thank you. 
30.  cream, chocolate, butter, eggs, milk, flour, and all things that can be cooked into special treats.
31. the YMCA.
32. Two cars that are still running.
33. For our house not being broken into yet even though a lot of neighbors have been.
34. lasik!!  I love being able to see.  Thanks Dad and Mom!!
35.  My college degrees.  I am glad I was able to learn about so many interesting things. 
36.  my pr!vo (clark) shoes and my bass clogs.  Thank you for making my feet comfortable at work.
37. Jared's voice. Is it weird to be thankful for this?  I love listening to him sing. 
38.  My house.  I like its littleness.  I don't have to clean as much.
39.  A husband who cleans the bathrooms.  :)
40.  Betty Crocker, my southern cookbook, my German cookbook, the frugal girl's bread recipes, southern living cookbook, and especially my three ring binder cookbook from everyone at my bridal shower.  Love love love love love it!!  I use it all the time.  It is the greatest idea for a wedding shower gift ever!!  I love all of you creative people. 
41. Indoor plumbing. 
42. My HUGE oven and a setting to turn on whenever I tell it too...
43. Comfy sweatshirts to hang around the house in during the winter. 
44. clearance sales
45. flannel sheets
46. Sherlock Holmes.
47. Michelle Sohl who comes to visit me all the time and does all the driving.
48. My Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Bill.
49. Everyone that helped with my wedding and made it the most perfect day ever.
50. For a family to laugh.  :) 
I am going home tonight to make stuffing, rolls, and a sweet potato pie.  I made the cornbread and biscuits last night to add to the stuffing.  YAY!! 


  1. We're VERY thankful for you AND Jared! You are a wonderful person and I love your adult,married self:-) Have a wonderful day with ALL your family members. (I hear you're an Aunt now to a Shin ibu:-)

  2. I am thankful for YOU and the way you love my brother, and make him a happy man. That is a great and wonderful thing. Thanks for it! <3

  3. amen, what linnea said.

    what a wonderful grateful list!!
    miss you!

  4. I am glad you are so happy being married and doing all the crafty things you do. I'll never be half as good of a wifey.

  5. This is a great list, but I especially like #47. :) Love you, Winnie.

    P.S. I'm currently eating lunch at work - mom's cream of crab soup. You should add that to your list. Haha.


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