
Thursday, November 18, 2010

A sweet potato recipe for my Mother (and a zoo report).
I made this last night. It is so simple, but delicious!!

Directions: Peel as many sweet potatoes as you are going to cook. Rinse. Cut them up in cubes (I sliced them into 0.5 - 0.75 inch rounds and then cut into 6 or 8 pieces). Place the cubes on a cookie sheet (one with a rim is better). Sprinkle with salt and a little olive oil. Toss them around until they are lightly coated. Put under a broiler until they turn a little brown on a couple sides.

I cooked mine on low for about 30 minutes, but you could definitely cut down on this time by putting in on high a couple times. Make sure to stir a few times during the cooking. I was sewing so I would set the timer for 10 minutes and let them sit under the low heat, stir, and go back to sewing.

I am eating them room temperature for a snack today. I can't resist. They taste so sweet you would think they had sugar on them. Yum!!

Oh, and the fat little prairie dogs were out at the zoo yesterday eating their lunch. I am going to visit them and my cotton topped monkey friends today again at lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Faith! I will probably try them soon--on sale NOW at Food Lion for 33 cents (instead of 99!). Oh well. And thanks, also, for the furry little prairie dog update! I just love those little guys :>) Lots of good memories (strollers pushed around the zoo...giggling...warm days...)and I LOVE being outside!


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