
Saturday, April 17, 2010

cooking & baking makes me happy (so does sewing & taking care of a husband) - being a wife suits me well :)

I bought a new (old) cookbook last night at an antique shop in Salisbury. It is over 1600 pages and was published in the 1940s. It is one of the best cookbooks I have ever read. I read cookbooks like novels. They are like old dear friends to me. I read them and I reread them. This book only has a few pictures, but it is classic. I bought in and a Singer dress making book from the 1950s (complete with adorable hand drawn figures - I love that era of illustrations) for only $5.00. I thought it was a pretty sweet buy. It is in great condition, unlike some of my cookbooks so far.

The whole book is good home cooked food. I become hungry just reading through most of the recipes. I want to cook huge home cooked meals for my family when I have children. Cooking for one is no fun. Cooking for two is nothing new (and a lot of eating leftovers). I will treasure this book for a long time. It makes me happy. A lot of modern cookbooks are filled with pretty pictures and fancy meals that I would never prepare. What is wrong with chicken pot pie, lasagna, tacos, roast chicken, beef stew, and many other classic foods?!? Nothing!

P.S. Betty Crocker is still my favorite basic everything cookbook. It has everything to start off a good cooking career. This new book goes into details about healthy eating, canning, sauces, how to cut meats, how to set tables, how to garnish plates, and so much more. The dessert section is almost half the book. It makes me happy. I love it. I had just made it to the potato section when Jared wanted to run over to SU to post his, “What a friend we have in Jesus” video from the coffeehouse last night. I felt like I was putting down a good book. I wanted to finish!

P.P.S. If you want to see the video, it is below (hopefully). If not, search Jared Shelton on youtube and I think it will come up. That is how I found it. I think it was the second video in the search results.



  1. I wish I was as domestically suave as you. However, I will instead lean on you to provide me with delicious meals and tasty desserts.


  2. yeah hey if you want practice cooking for a big family...


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