Monday, November 02, 2009

I have been without internet for four days now and I have accomplished so much.  I do miss blogging though.  Jared is at work tonight and so I came over to my parent's house to eat dinner, visit, and check my email.  I thought I would write a blog post, but now that I have started I can't think of anything to say.  

Jared worked every day last week (poor Jared) at both jobs and Saturday at Target.  I really wish I could find a job... But I am so thankful that at least Jared has work.  I like teaching my one lab a week at SU.  It would be really neat if they would hire me full time or some other school or maybe an engineering or science job.  My brain feels like it is turning to mush!!  I need to do some math and calculations and my baby science students aren't helping me at all.  ha.  I taught two of them unit conversions today because I felt like I needed to inform them of the better things of life.  I don't think they cared or thought it was quite as cool as I did. 

I throw in these little interesting things, like why polymers can be melted down and plastics just burn, when I am teaching and they just stare at me.  Sigh.  It was a minute rabbit trail...  People are so lazy.  What happened to going to college to learn and learn all you can?  Drink it in people!!  You will only be there for a limited time and someday in your life you will look back and wish you had learned something.  I loved learning.  I wish I could still take classes.  It is too bad they are so darned expensive.

I'll try to get my laptop to SU this week to post some pictures of my house and my life.  It isn't too high on my list of things to do, but maybe I will get around to it.


  1. Those kids who seemed bored with all the math and science stuff probably are art students like me! We want to learn all we can too...but just not in the math department!

    That's why college is great, because you can choose what you learn ....sort of.


    p.s. I can feel for Jerry! The last two weeks I've been working or school 7 days a week. .....not a blast!

  2. College is great!! I am glad you think so and I am glad you feel for Jared. I guess that is true about everyone not loving math and science. I just think you all should because it is so interesting. ha. I want to take pastry and italian cooking classes at Wor-Wic. It think that would be fascinating.

    Jared has Wednesday night off this week. It feels like a holiday. I actually get to spend the evening with him!!! YAY!!


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