
Friday, August 21, 2009

Project number six is complete. It is another apron, but I haven't gotten a picture of it yet.

Project number seven was to paint the porch railings in the back and front, which I did yesterday! It was so hot outside that the paint was drying so fast. But I finished and now our porch railings are painted a nice bright white (instead of looking all gray and half painted). Painting is fun when you can see the difference. When I helped paint my parents upstairs this summer I didn't have that much fun and I was trying to figure out why (because I normally really enjoy painting) and I think I have figured out it was because I was using almost the same color to paint over the old color. I like seeing a difference when I paint. I should have taken before pictures for you all. Pictures of the finished project will have to wait because I have to leave to go to SU to meet with the Chemistry department about teaching a lab. It is going to be fun teaching a lab on a subject that I haven't had since I was a freshman in college (six years ago).

Yesterday I went to the gym!!
* elliptical machine for 30 minutes
* biked for 20 minutes
* Pilates for 30 minutes
* kickboxing for an hour

Kickboxing is brutal and I am totally uncoordinated. But if you all are a member of the YMCA you should totally try out some of their classes. They are a lot of fun. I am going to keep trying some of the other ones that offer. I figure if I am paying for a membership I should use everything I can of that membership. I am even thinking about going to play soccer on Tuesday nights... maybe. If I can remember how to kick a soccer ball.

I am wearing these awesome new dress pants today. I bought them last weekend and I am quite proud of my shopping success. I went into GAP last Saturday with Anna and found these awesome dress pants, but I didn't have my coupons with me so I put them on hold (I have never done that before). I came back later that evening with Jared and had him try on some shorts that were on sale. We ended up buying a super nice pair of tan dress pants (originally $56.50) and two pair of shorts (originally $48.00 each) for $1.36. Ha. I love being a GAP card hold they send you such amazing coupons all the time. Woohoo.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! You're quite the shopper!
    Maybe they'll hire you at the Y since you can do all that work out and still be standing!

    (nessie is my word verification-I think you should name your first girl nessie:-)


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