Totally love this. I have to make these sometimes. The blog I found them on has directions on how to make them. Check it out. They seem pretty easy. :)
Some of the many things I have done this summer so far:
- celebrated my birthday yesterday with the Maddox Family
- dress finished (thanks Mama Cindy)
- 40 pounds of blueberries picked so far
- 10 pounds of blueberries frozen
- had my hairs cut (Thanks Mrs. T)
- flowers bought and picked out
- wedding cermony planned
- photos picked out
- organized Jared's kitchen
- organized Jared's kitchen
- painted shelves for our house
- took my schoolbooks to Jared's house
- started planning decorating for the backyard
- had my teeth cleaned
- I received my diploma in the mail with my birthday cards!!
- started sewing an apron
- painted the whole upstairs and stairs (first coat only)
- packed all my craft supplies
- kept up with all the thank you cards
- watched Father of the Bride for the first time with Jared
- and I have sort of helped in the yard and cooked a few times
- and tons of other things
I thought I was going to have tons of time this summer... HA.
Wow! Thought summer was for relaxing!I'm glad to hear about the blueberries-almost text you a reminder to get that done:-)