
Monday, November 26, 2007

John Newton

By faith in Christ I walk with God,
With Heav’n, my journey’s end, in view;
Supported by His staff and rod,
My road is safe and pleasant too.

I travel through a desert wide
Where many round me blindly stray;
But He vouchsafes to be my Guide,
And will not let me miss my way.

Though snares and dangers throng my path,
And earth and hell my course withstand;
I triumph over all by faith,
Guarded by His almighty hand.

The wilderness affords no food,
But God for my support prepares;
Provides me every needful good,
And frees my soul from wants and cares.

With Him sweet converse I maintain,
Great as He is I dare be free;
I tell Him all my grief and pain,
And He reveals His love to me.

Some cordial from His Word He brings,
Whene’er my feeble spirit faints;
At once my soul revives and sings,
And yields no more to sad complaints.

I pity all that worldlings talk
Of pleasures that will quickly end;
Be this my choice, O Lord, to walk
With Thee, my Guide, my Guard, my Friend.


  1. Where did you find this? Is it just a poem or is there music to sing it to? I think I'll be hanging this someplace where I can see it frequently.

  2. I went to Cyber Hymnal and searched for faith because I wanted a pun on my name. I think there is music to it. I didn't really look. I just liked the words. I was going to do oh come all ye faithful, but I thought that was too overdone. So I picked this one. Glad you like it! :D

  3. not related to your Newton "Faith" poem, but wanted to say thanks for the add to your blog


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