
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hayley and Sarah, you have to guess what I just downloaded onto my computer.

I'll give you a few clues:

If you still haven't guessed:
rock - bird
stump - skunk
tree - bear
bush - dog

This summer girls!!!

We are going to play SUPER MUNCHER!!!
And Hayley is going to get us up the cliff because it took me three tries to do it. haha.

P.S. Oh and after the cliff, it just repeats itself and the evil doctor turns into something new each time. Disappointing.

P.P.S. I won't play it again this semester because it is too tempting to do instead of my schoolwork. I played it for about twenty minutes tonight and then killed myself and said "no more after this." What a waste of time! I can't wait until the three of us are together again.

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