
Friday, October 20, 2006

Today, I did homework, cleaned the bathrooms, scrubbed the floors, and washed the kitchen floor.

Tomorrow... Hannah and Patrick and Jared are coming to see me!!!
And we are going to visit DC!

How many awesome thing can a person handle in one day?!?
One of my favorite places to visit...
Some of my favorite people...
They are bringing me books from my favorite Dad...
We are going to eat at one of my favorite resturants...
We get to ride the metro (another favorite activity)...

I don't know how to handle the excitement!
It is like waiting for Christmas or something...

Woohoo and then, even more exciting news.
I am coming home next Thursday for the first time in eight weeks!!!!
So if you are going to the Third Day concert, you'll see me, otherwise, I'll be heading back that evening or the next. I have a major exam that next week (it is worth like 50% of my grade-YIKES!).
It will be so good to see my family again.

I talked to Sarah for almost two hours on the phone last night and then the batteries died and Hope wanted Sarah to watch a movie with her. I miss Sarah and Anna and Luke and Hope and Mom and Dad. Not enough to come home, but when I start thinking about them, I miss them. It would be so much easier to just stay at home with all of them for the rest of my life. But normally the easiest things aren't the best things. So here I am. Loving University of Maryland and so thrilled to be a part of one of the biggest colleges in the US of A and among some of the brightest minds in the nation. Seriously, I feel stupid around some of these people. They are so smart. I liked Salisbury because I felt like to smartest one there. Here I am maybe average... probably below that... but anyhow. It is exciting! And I need to go do some more homework.

1 comment:

  1. woohoo!!
    can't wait to see ya!
    i miss you too!!

    i am bringing your books from your "fave" dad....
    who is your NOT favorite dad?
    have i met him?


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