
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This week is going to be crazy and next week looks even worse.
But before I go off to study I just wanted to praise God for the girls I have met at RUF.

Friday night, I was able to go shopping and to dinner and a movie with three of the girls. It was so great to be able to get off campus and away from school and just spend time getting to know each other more.

Last night I got to take a break from studying to go to the girls RUF small group. I am growing to really love Monday nights, even though I have to leave my the house at 7:15 in the morning to avoid traffic and get to my 8:00am class and then I am on campus all day until small group at 7:30-10pm. It is amazing how much Christian Fellowship means to your life. I think about skipping it every week because I am sooooo tired. But, I am so encouraged to press on every time I go. It is so good to hear that others are facing some of the same problems you are and know that people are praying for you and want to hear about your day and talk to you about what you are going through. Plus, I love how they are all really smart and strive to not just get good grades, but understand the material. They have helped me see that it doesn't matter what letter grade you get in the class as long as you learn what you are going to need for later on in life. So often I get caught up into having to get an A that I forget what I am really there for. I am at college to learn more about this world that God created and to be able to use whatever degree I get to glorify Him.

After Small group we sat around talking and then headed out to our 11pm soccer game.
Thank God for soccer!

Anyhow, I just wanted to praise God for that and for Mr. Franklin telling me about RUF so much that I felt guilty not going. Haha. I have two really big exams next week on Monday and Thursday, so if you all wouldn't mind praying, I would really appreciate that. :) I probably won't be around much until after that. And I am also thankful that Hannah and Patrick are coming to visit me in three weeks. And Anna and Sarah are coming in 5 weeks!!! What fun to look foward to. And of course, I am continually thankful for the Howards and all of the stuff they do for me. They are the busiest people I know. Today Mr. Howard was leading a "tree tour" around the county. It was a bus full of people and they stop at big and old trees and get out and look at them. You all should come visit me, so you can meet them. You won't be disappointed. They are amazing.

A verse for you to think about:
Zechariah 2:13
"Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling."

I love "Be still before the Lord".
It is hard to stop and take a moment to be still and quiet in the craziness of each day.
But it is so worth it.


  1. He's slightly taller.
    he's getting there.

  2. I understand the grade thing completely. All the professors here have been telling the visiting students how nearly impossible it is to get an A here. About once or twice a semester, a student gets an A (called Firsts) in their subject!! They say they're fighting grade inflation. BUT I have tried since coming to college to concentrate on the expanding my knowledge aspect of school and not the grade. That includes meeting new people, rowing and joining the photography society!

  3. You are perfectly awesome the way you are. I love this post, so full of thanks. You are one of the most beautiful and capable young women I have the pleasure of knowing. I love you!

  4. I had to comment on my own blog again because the word was grogg and I thought that was funny.


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