
Monday, July 10, 2006

It is pretty sad when you start wishing that you were back in school. It isn't that I wish I was back in school because I don't like summer, I love summer. I just get to that point in my summer when I am like, "Okay, enough wasting time! Let's get back to studying and getting this degree. "
Does that make sense?!?
I feel like I would accomplish more if I were back in school.


  1. i know what you mean faith! i always feel i get more accomplished at school. but once we are in school i bet we will look back and wish that it was still summer :) haha

  2. yeah, I know that will happen too. Haha. I guess I just need to learn to be content with what I have. :)

  3. When do you head up to College Park?

  4. listen, my friend . . . don't wish your summers away. i understand the feeling. i had it too. but wait til no more summers. and only 2-3 weeks of time off a year. then you'll be wishing for your summers and fall breaks and winter breaks and spring breaks.

    trust me.

  5. august 27.
    Thanks Sarah.
    I do try to appreciate the time I have. It is just hard sometimes.
    And if I ever get tired of not having my summers free, I'll become a teacher. I think teaching physics would be a blast!


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