
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We are renaming the office that I work in. As I told the rest of my office staff today, I really don't care what the new name is because we are just going from one old boring name to a new boring name. You can't be creative when you are working in the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accountability. I mean, try to rename that something cool. We also have to name the house that we are now in. Something like Admissions house or Alumni House or Camden House (except those are all taken and are boring).
So I was complaining about how boring this is and Jared suggested that we name the house The Ministry of Truth. How cool is that. Reference to 1984. They deal with numbers and research statistics all day. I mean, sure they do change them all the time, but that would be the funny thing. Anyhow, so I suggested this name because I think it would be hilarious, sort of like an inside joke. It would make people smile at least instead of falling asleep or yawning at the name. The people in my office laughed. But it will never go through. But really, that would be the perfect play on words name for us?!?


  1. Why don't you name it "The Secret Headquarters." Have a sign outside that says that. Think of the possibilites of a name like that.

  2. David and Tyler are going to be my friends.

  3. Yeah, but the universtiy isn't cool enough to have a name like that. It will be some lame name. BHAH.


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