
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Since Krissy and a few others have asked...

I spent Valentine's Day as a normal Tuesday.

* I had an 8-9:15 History Class.
* I worked 9:30 - 11:30.
* Did homework from 11:30 - 12:00.
* Sat in Quantum Mechanics from 12:00-1:40.
* Sat in Dynamics from 1:50-3:05.
* I went back to work from 3:15 - 5.
*And then I went to the Hornors and watched Stef cook dinner. I sliced some bread and toasted it. I ate cake powder from the box. Love yellow cake power, especially the kind that has pudding in it.
*Stef and I went and picked out movies at Blockbuster. We are going to watch Waking Ned Divine next week. And we watched some chick flick this week. I forgot the name.
* We ate dinner.
* Watched a movie.
* Ate almost a whole bag of sour patch kids.
* I watched Mr. Hornor try to take the bit out of his drill.
* I watched Mrs. Hornor make the cake that I had eaten part of earlier.
* Then I walked out to my car and went home.
* I got home and started wrapping Stef's birthday present, but Jared came back from playing basketball with the guys in our church and I talked to him for a while. We danced a few steps of foxtrot and then he left.
* And I went back to wrapping my present.
* I talked to Sarah for quite a while.
* Did some more homework.
* And then went to bed.

See, I have never liked the idea that someone had to give me stuff just because it is a certain day of the year. I would much rather be surprised on a random day when I don't expect it. So, I told Jared I didn't want anything for Valentine's Day. It is one day of the year. It doesn't mean any more then every other day that I we are alive. Or that is how I look at it. I've always thought the day was stupid.
It is pretty funny because the men that Jared work with have been asking him what he was getting me for Valentine's Day and he would say nothing and they would be like Jared you can't do that. You have to get her something. You don't understand women. Haha.

So, that is how I spent my day. Pretty exciting huh?!?



  1. I think that day sounds marvelous! haha Thats so true though. I do like Valentines day but I agree that Id rather be surprised too. Sounds like a fun day :)

  2. Yeah, it was good for a tuesday. I really hate tuesdays. They are so blah.


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