
Monday, February 27, 2006

I think it is really neat how my friends are all over the globe making a difference for God. It is neat to see how God works in our lives. It is encouraging to read stories from Ukraine, Nepal, Africa, and China. By the way, Australia and South America are still open for exploration. Just in case YOU were thinking about going somewhere.
The missions conference starts this weekend, on friday, 6pm at the church.
The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few.


  1. PLEASE come to the missions conference! You will miss a blessing if you don't!

  2. You forgot to mention the pizza on Friday... isn't that still a tradition? If you have food, they will come!!!

    I miss our mission's conference.

  3. I miss it too...I remember being so excited about the pizza night, and Sara Exley(isn't she married now??) coming. I remember one time she brought this nasty japanese snack...

  4. this year they needed to do the big meal on friday night because Larry Trotter is only going to be here on Friday. So they wanted the fiesta to have him speaking at it. So no pizza this year. They are breaking a long running tradition. Sort of weird... but I think we had subs one year. I must admit that pizza is a favorite.

  5. Can't believe you'd spoil a wonderful evening by serving everyone poison. ;)

    It's been awhile since I've been at our missions conferences, I miss them! Maybe in a few years? Thanks for putting all the time and effort into pulling them off wonderfully every year. How many of us have already been influnced by them and are serving... can't wait to see the fruit of these down the road. :)


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