
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I went to the Doctors yesterday to get my shoulder checked out and basicly he said, "We will know if the surgery is a failure, if your shoulder ever pops out of socket again. " I was like, boy that is really comforting. My Dad and I found that quite amusing and have been quoting it to each other since then. Dad, Sarah, and I ran again last night! So thrilling. This weather is perfect in the evenings to run. A little cold at first, but once you start running it is great.
So I took the girls to La Tolteca last night and Emily and Elizabeth ended up coming along too. It was a great time being girly. I think it is so fun to be the the position of oldest sibling taking out younger siblings and friends to dinner and giving them all rides. I used to hate being looked up to and copied by my siblings and their friends, now I quite enjoy it. It is stressful somedays knowing that they are watching you and waiting to see how you handle certain situations. But most of the times it is a real joy. Oh, and the CHIPS were amazing last night. Or was it the salsa.... the salsa was hot like I have never had it before. The 5 of us at 4 baskets of chips before the meal. My mouth was getting numb from the salsa by the time our meal came out. It was AWESOME! They need to always have hot salsa!!!
On a side note: My favorite of Anna's friends didn't come last night (*hug hug* to my beach/shoes sister - I miss you, Rachel). Sorry about the wrist. Hopefully you can play soccer soon! We could be hurt arm sisters too! Haha.
And I love you, Anna, but I want my soccer shorts back sometime soon! :) Heh.


  1. Well, I would give them back--but I thought it would be better to wash them first. So, at this very moment they are getting washed.
    I love you too. Thanks for taking us out. Even though I didn't finish my food--I still had fun.

  2. YAY! They are being washed. How thoughtful of you. I appreciate it. :D

  3. Thanks Faith! Ha ha! What a compliment! I love you! I hope I can play soccer soon =(!


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