
Thursday, August 18, 2005

While you were out

Anna has me hooked on this show -- not really hooked -- but of everything on tv this is the only show I watch at least once a week (haha--one out to five days is regular for me and tv--I normally don't watch any tv). While you were out. Every week day at 5pm on TLC.

Andrew, some woman, and Leslie.

Leslie -- she can do anything

Andrew -- he can do pretty much anything too.

And Even Farmer -- he keeps us all amused.

If a guy has to wear a t-shirt, ringer necks are a must!! Otherwise, stay in dress shirts. :) Haha. Although, I appreciate an open dress shirt with a t-shirt under it. Alright, enough of me rambling on about nothingness.


  1. I like polos. But other than that stay in t-shirts all day long for all I care! ( T-shirts make everybody sparkle! )

  2. heh. Sparkle. Friday is casual day. YAY!
