Tuesday, August 30, 2005

tuesday tuesday

Man, I don't know what my problem is (or lack of problem), I am not hating school or dreading it so far this year nor am I depressed about being at school at day. Thank God. I give Him all the glory because I normally dread the first few weeks of school. However, this year I am actually having a bit of fun. We'll have to see how the weeks progress, but as it looks right now, I only have one class that I am going to not enjoy as much as the others. And the teacher that everyone said was horrid has turned out to be, rather dry but, he is a good teacher. He is the sort of teacher I like becuase everyone else doesn't like him. Haha. If that makes any sense.

Also, I have seen all my favorite teachers in the hallway. So, I have someone to talk to instead of wandering around by myself. Hooray for Mrs. Perkins. She is my favorite professor at SU and I've never had her. :( Alas poor me, I don't like Biology. But I do get to take Dr. Ackerson for History next semester (which I am highly looking foward to). That is going to be a lot of fun. And maybe I will get to play soccer with him next summer!! I really missed Thursday Night Mens pick-up league this year.

I also was not looking forward to labs because last year I had two of the greatest lab partners ever!! I mean, we had so much fun being goofy during labs and not making them as stressful and boring as they are meant to be. We actually blew up and burned a few things. Heh. Well, both of my lab partners were Chemistry majors, which means that weren't going to be in my classes at all this year. Yesterday, one of them walks in and I almost danced around for joy. He and one of his friends and I have joined forces against the powers of evil. Haha. Or something like that. It was great to see them again. Although I must say that I shall miss Jenna greatly. She was THE BEST lab partner and note taker EVER! I will miss all of our rushed homework sessions in the library after basketball and you finding all the mistakes in my work while I tried to explain it to you. :)

Oh, and I don't mind getting up early. I have been getting to school around 7:30. What is up with that? I don't have class until 10, but I like the closer parking. haha. If anyone knew me, even a year ago, I hated getting up early and would stay up until at least two every evening. Now -- I go to bed at 9:30 and get up at 5:30. I am going crazy. :) It is not be my own power or strength. Praise be to God.

So overall it has been a wonderful first two days of school. Only 14 and a half weeks to go and I will have 96 college credits to my name and I will be classified as a Senior! How cool is that? It doesn't do me any good without the right classes, but it is still cool to be able to say. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to being qualified as being almost a senior, with or without the right classes ;)

    It is amazing when God gives you the stregth to do things (like wake up early) which you know you couldn't do on your own. Thank God for His faithfullness! His mercies endure forever!
