
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Same old place, same old city, what can I do...?

Thanks to Hannah for the awesome shirt!!! I can't believe you bought the exact one I was looking at. WOW WOW. That is so weird and so cool at the same time. I still am having trouble believing that that just happened. And the lotion and shampoo and chapstick is awesome too!!! Hannah rocks. Really, you are such a great encouragement in my life.

Thanks to Stef for the clothes. Haha, yes they fit. You did an awesome job!!! "Love you". Haha. "That is so stinking..." - steffers Thanks for always listening. Soccer!!! I can't wait until Monday!!!

And finally thank you, Jared! The book is absolutely beautiful. I have to award you the neatest present this year (actually in several years). I totally wasn't expecting that. But really the book is truely amazing. I could stare at it for hours. Thank you. Oh, and I did look four in that picture. Haha. Your camera doesn't take good pictures. I guess that means mine doesn't either. Hardy Har. God bless.

Bible study was last night at our house. It was like the Harrs, Sheltons, Townsends, and a Taylor (especially since Linnea and Hannah came over afterwards). We all stayed up ridiculous hours when you have to get up in the morning to work. Haha. Praise God for youth and the ability to survive on little sleep. I know it isn't smart, but it is fun. :) Linnea, I'm still getting a huge kick out of Jack sitting downstairs talking and laughing on the phone while we were all upstairs. Heh.
The chosen Six will go to Six flags! SUPERMAN -- ride of steel.

God has blessed me with such amazing friends. I love them all dearly. May God continue to lead and guide you all in the coming years. I pray that it is His will to keep us all friends. You all are such an encouragement to my life. Blessed be the name of the Lord for His unfailing mercy, grace, and kindness towards us.

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