
Friday, June 03, 2005

No remedy for love - Susan Ashton

Good morning. It is raining again. But I don't mind. We can go to the beach pretty much anyday. Last night was a lot of fun even though I was tired. Linnea had a game night at our house and I stayed up as long as I could. Thanks for making me have fun for a while. Sorry I missed the exciting walk to WalMart. I am getting too old and sensible to do crazy things anymore. AHHH! Okay it isn' t the crazy things that bother me, it is the staying up late and needing my sleep to be able to work. :) Last summer I was staying up until three in the morning and going into work at 8 and funtioning fine. This year I have to go to bed by at least 10. This whole week I have been going to bed around 9. I'm crazy. Enjoy your youth while you have it. HAHA. Glorify God in whatever you do. That is really all that matters.


  1. Oh come on, Faith! You can stay up late with the best of us!

  2. Heh, once the weekend hits anyhow. Friday night was awesome. Linnea rocks at Pictionary!!
